Only 3333.3 Persians each!
Persians see CCC.
Richard, the Lionhearted Spartan.
Spartans block Persians' passage.
Themistocles Egans Leonidas on.
Persians punish Peloponnesian patriots.
Multi Spartans fighting Xerxes.
Spartan Egan Farrar outnumbered.
Xerxes shall not pass.
Leonidas leads victorious defeat.
Spartans' gloriously, futile deaths.
Egan's men die bravely.
Leonidas: Egan lead Spartans.
Spartans part with life.
Xerxes exerts extreme anxiety.
InCCCredible Spartan resistance.
Fighting Spartans die honourably.
Wooden actors defeat Persians.
Spartans die bravely. End.
Xerxes is Sparta's curse.
Spartans the true immortals.
Leonidas, Farrar's last stand.
Arrow hailstorm spanks Spartans.
Only 3333.3 Persians each!