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 Avatar Contest #297 - Dangerous Combos

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
MguyXXV Posted - 01/14/2010 : 00:28:36
The ever dangerous Horizontal Mambo Combo! If it makes heat and bursts into flames, it's got to be fun.

<------ It's juevenile, but hey ....
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Koli Posted - 01/21/2010 : 22:10:36
Thanks voters. You're very kind. When I stumbled across that pic I thought I was in with a chance. It doesn't mean I'm armed with a theme for the next contest though. I'll give it some thought and come back with a plan.
Cheese_Ed Posted - 01/20/2010 : 22:52:19
Time to throw water on this oil fire ...

In third place, with 7 points (1321) ...

The fresh (and sticky) maker ...

Titanpa !!

In second place, with 8 points (323) ...

Just do one drug at a time, kids ...

wildheartlivie !!

And in first place, with 10 points (3331) ...

Which is more shallow, their inflatable pool or the gene pool from which these swimmer/inventors came from? ...

Koli !!!

Voters got a charge out of that one, Koli!

Got a new topic to float by us yet?

BaftaBaby Posted - 01/20/2010 : 18:43:34
Combined votes sent in a dangerous fashion.

Larry Posted - 01/20/2010 : 18:26:12

Was texting a friend and voting at the same time -- very dangerous.
TitanPa Posted - 01/19/2010 : 14:22:24
Voted and thought of the next topic at the same time :)
Koli Posted - 01/18/2010 : 13:38:26
Originally posted by MguyX

Originally posted by Koli

I couldn't quite believe my eyes...

The image inspires multiple observations.
  • One of these brilliants made a floatation device for the power strip using two rubber sandals!
  • The convenience of having a hot plate in the pool proved just too compelling (because fixing burgers or hot dogs just a few feet away in an insulated situation is, obviously, something only a doofus would do)!
  • They were apparently in such a hurry to try this invention that they didn't inflate their backyard pond sufficiently (witness the fella on the edge, who weighs down the pool wall to what looks like water level). Or, perhaps we just don't see their other friend, who is passed out behind the pool, trying to keep this thing inflated by constantly blowing into it!
  • There are 10 bottles on the table and NO food on the plate: are they trying merely to warm the beer???
  • The design of the power strip looks European. My condolences to my friends across the pond, who must suffer the inconvenience of having this dirty little secret revealed.
  • Luckily, however, these gents are unlikely to pass on their genetic brilliance.
Thanks Koli!

Only too pleased to be of service.

PS - used that dangerous combo of democracy and IT to vote.
MguyXXV Posted - 01/17/2010 : 19:51:00
Originally posted by Koli

I couldn't quite believe my eyes...

The image inspires multiple observations.
  • One of these brilliants made a floatation device for the power strip using two rubber sandals!
  • The convenience of having a hot plate in the pool proved just too compelling (because fixing burgers or hot dogs just a few feet away in an insulated situation is, obviously, something only a doofus would do)!
  • They were apparently in such a hurry to try this invention that they didn't inflate their backyard pond sufficiently (witness the fella on the edge, who weighs down the pool wall to what looks like water level). Or, perhaps we just don't see their other friend, who is passed out behind the pool, trying to keep this thing inflated by constantly blowing into it!
  • There are 10 bottles on the table and NO food on the plate: are they trying merely to warm the beer???
  • The design of the power strip looks European. My condolences to my friends across the pond, who must suffer the inconvenience of having this dirty little secret revealed.
  • Luckily, however, these gents are unlikely to pass on their genetic brilliance.
Thanks Koli!
Koli Posted - 01/16/2010 : 10:57:24
Originally posted by Se�n

Originally posted by Koli

I couldn't quite believe my eyes...

I think those guys collectively have a negative IQ...

Something tells me that they didn't pay sufficient attention during physics lessons at school. Possibly they were listening to music via ear phones and dreaming of a future in which beer, sunshine, warm water and electricity co-exist peacefully to produce man-bliss.
Sean Posted - 01/15/2010 : 22:40:02
Originally posted by Koli

I couldn't quite believe my eyes...

I think those guys collectively have a negative IQ...
Koli Posted - 01/15/2010 : 20:24:55
I couldn't quite believe my eyes...
Cheese_Ed Posted - 01/15/2010 : 18:27:16
You don't want to be nearby when these two deadly enemies meet - you might get caught in the crossfire.
TitanPa Posted - 01/14/2010 : 19:38:19
Ok. Maybe not really dangerous. But if you near it... YOull be very sticky!!!
Cheese_Ed Posted - 01/14/2010 : 12:38:57
A safe combo: your avs and
Larry Posted - 01/14/2010 : 12:04:36

I'm taking the lazy way out and presenting the same avatar.

Let's face it, freezing temperatures and nudity don't mix --
not to mention having naughty bits dangling around heavy machinery.
BaftaBaby Posted - 01/14/2010 : 11:10:02
Royal family + Nazis?
A dangerous combo!

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