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 Haiku #38 - Fight Club

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
bife Posted - 05/15/2006 : 17:29:33
Abreviated rules borrowed from here to encourage some new entrants ....

The Rules

The first line of a haiku poem has five syllables.
The second line of a haiku poem has seven syllables.
The third, and final, line of a haiku poem has five syllables.

The Movie Haiku Contest (MHC) is open to every member of the FWFR site.

To enter, all you have to do is think of a Haiku for the current movie, then post into the current thread. Simple as that. Also, haikus may be risque, but nothing explicit please.

Only one entry per person as per The Blevins Rule. However, you are allowed to edit your existing entry until 9pm Tuesday FWFR time. *


If you have entered the MHC, then you have to vote. If you do not vote, you'll lose 3 points from your total. This could mean the difference between the adoration and envy of your fellow Fwiffers or being the feckless butt of our jokes!

You do not have to enter an MHC to vote. Vote away. It'll be like a lurker vote!


For each round, you get to vote for your three favourite MHC. The voting is as follows:

3 pts fwfrer a
2 pts fwfr b
1 pt fwfr c


You cannot vote for yourself.
You can vote for the previous winner

You vote by sending sludge your votes in a PM (Private Message).

You may vote only once.

When the voting deadline ends (9pm Wednesday FWFR time), the votes are tallied and the top three places are announced
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Sludge Posted - 07/17/2006 : 01:23:26
Drum Roll.

RESULTS for Movie Haiku #38: Fight Club


Third best Fight Club haiku, edging out Mampers and Bafta with
6 points
Morkeleb (3 2 1)
Your prize: A new-ly abandoned home!
Second favorite Fight Club haiku, with
9 points
Monty (3 3 2 1)
Your prize:
A Year's Supply of SOAP!
It was close.
And, totally undeserving of cigar...
First prize
by two with
11 points
Just when I thought I'd finally stopped hitting myself.
(vote breakdown of 3 3 2 2 1)
Marla, Ed's brain, and
the skyline haven't been banged
like this since grade school
We'll never think of Lady Jane the same way again...
Your prize: a night's stay in a downtown highrise.
For the crime of wasting your summer in agonizing suspense, I yield the floor again to MONTY. I will count votes more quickly next time, or happily hand that duty over to any new volunteer. The excel vote-counter works really well to speed the process along.
Montgemily, please o please select a film for Movie Haiku #39. Make sure it was NOT a film from previous rounds.

EVERYONE, you are now free to post any alternative Haiku you may have.

bife Posted - 07/08/2006 : 07:46:46
Has the haiku competition officially joined the victims of the fwto competition

Surprised a poetry competition lasted 38 rounds, but am sad to see it disappear, there were some very good rounds
Montgomery Posted - 06/26/2006 : 23:11:49
Let's tally this puppy and put it in the books.

EM :)
bife Posted - 06/16/2006 : 03:22:12
I'd hate to see the haiku competition disappear, but we do seem to be struggling.

We've only got a handful of regulars players, and most of us don't manage to enter every week

Anyway, lurker voted, finally
thefoxboy Posted - 06/14/2006 : 06:24:28
Email from bife dated 14th of June.

Am in Beijing and
struggling with the internet - not sure I can log in to vote on fwto,
fwpt, haiku or fyc ....

Can you drop a note of apology in the relevant threads for me?

Will hopefully be back on line sometime tomorrow, if anybody wants to
wait until then ....
Sludge Posted - 06/12/2006 : 03:30:23
What to do with the Haiku game? I'm wondering if anyone's willing to take over as vote-tallyer and whip-wielder to keep the game moving. I'm pretty challenged to keep up with FYC and want to keep going with the Pile of Rank. This was a nice bunch of Haiku.

I have tools which greatly simplify the vote-tallying process.

I messaged Bife (just in case) and Mampers. Got votes from Bafta.
Montgomery Posted - 05/31/2006 : 16:03:00
Snooze! Who else has to vote?

EM :)
Montgomery Posted - 05/25/2006 : 19:19:43
I voted. At least . . . I THINK it was me.

EM :)
Sludge Posted - 05/25/2006 : 19:09:33
Got a vote from Mork and a note from Duh, who's declining this round. Everyone else, please send me your votes!
MM0rkeleb Posted - 05/17/2006 : 20:08:18
Things blown in Fight Club:
Ed's flat, financial records,
Audience's mind.

BaftaBaby Posted - 05/17/2006 : 14:46:14
Norton hammers Pitt,
Everyone else in the Club,
Including himself.

duh Posted - 05/16/2006 : 23:40:41
Originally posted by bife

Fight Club

Great film

Good choice. Will try to write something nice for this.
Sludge Posted - 05/16/2006 : 15:32:01
Marla, Ed's brain, and
the skyline haven't been banged
like this since grade school
Montgomery Posted - 05/15/2006 : 21:23:48
Norton beats up Pitt.
But Pitt is really Norton.
What's it mean? Beats me.

EM :)
mampers11 Posted - 05/15/2006 : 18:20:59
Ed Norton Makes Club,
Beats Crap Out Of Pretty Boy,
It's All In His Head

Mampers that looks pretty good

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