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 Haiku #42 -- The Sixth Sense

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Montgomery Posted - 09/17/2006 : 20:51:21
Okay, we will not go quietly into the M. Night. We go in with what most argue is his best movie -- The Sixth Sense.

I see (haikus about) dead people.

EM :)

13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Basselope Posted - 09/27/2006 : 21:26:14
"You like me! You really like me!"

(This being Sally Field week over at the four word porn title thread, I thought I'd pay tribute to Forrest Gump's Mama.)

I'll be back shortly with a new haiku thread.


Sludge Posted - 09/26/2006 : 23:02:03
after a long delay
drum rolls...

RESULTS for Movie Haiku #42: The Sixth Sense


Third best Sixth Sense haiku, with
5 points
This makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck...
BAFTA (2,2,1)
MONTY (2,2,1)
MAMPERS (1,1,1,1,1).
Second favorite Sixth Sense haiku, with
12 points
Sludge (3 3 2 2 2)
First prize
With a child-killing
15 points
(I'm just saying, mommy's a lousy cook)
(vote breakdown of 3 3 3 3 3)
Isn't this really
the story of a dead man,
who sees live people?

You've won...
a hardly-ever-used...
bicycle helmet!
Basselope, at the conclusion of your victory speech, please select a film for Movie Haiku #43. Make sure it was NOT a film from previous rounds.

EVERYONE, you are now free to post any alternative Haiku you may have.

duh Posted - 09/26/2006 : 20:13:28
Lurker votes sent to Sludge. Some of these were too good to pass up voting for.
Montgomery Posted - 09/26/2006 : 20:02:46
Originally posted by Sludge

Thanks for the lurking Bife!

Messaged Monty, and need clarification from one voter.

Monty needs clarification on Sludge's haiku.

EM :)

Sludge Posted - 09/24/2006 : 01:46:32
Thanks for the lurking Bife!

Messaged Monty, and need clarification from one voter.
bife Posted - 09/23/2006 : 11:28:55
Lurker voted
mampers11 Posted - 09/23/2006 : 10:43:44
I see voted people

Sludge Posted - 09/22/2006 : 22:11:25
Bafta voted - I guess it's time! Send to me...


mampers11 Posted - 09/20/2006 : 16:00:11
The line from Osment
Was Catchphrase of the nineties
and FWFRs

Basselope Posted - 09/18/2006 : 18:52:09
Isn't this really
the story of a dead man,
who sees live people?
BaftaBaby Posted - 09/18/2006 : 09:09:19
Night turns on the light
To let the dead see themselves.
Too bad the bulb's blown.

Sludge Posted - 09/18/2006 : 03:25:56
Strange kid senses ghosts.
What? Bruce is also a ghost?
I didn't sense it.

By Night, they appear
dead and confused, to inspire
Titanic reviews

Night turns on the light
To let the dead see themselves.
Too bad the bulb's blown.

Isn't this really
the story of a dead man,
who sees live people?

The line from Osment
Was Catchphrase of the nineties
and FWFRs
Montgomery Posted - 09/17/2006 : 20:59:28
Strange kid senses ghosts.
What? Bruce is also a ghost?
I didn't sense it.

EM :)

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