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 Happy sixteenth birthday F.W.F.R.!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Salopian Posted - 10/26/2015 : 09:44:36
And happy Xth birthday to MguyX too.

Edit: Looking at the last thread I'm a little repetitive...
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
MguyXXV Posted - 11/09/2015 : 15:12:39
Originally posted by benj clews

Thanks Salopian and Mguyx :) Good to see you're both still around.

I'm still here on and off- have just been a bit distracted being a dad for the last few months

lemmycaution Posted - 11/03/2015 : 13:12:25
Originally posted by benj clews

Thanks Salopian and Mguyx :) Good to see you're both still around.

I'm still here on and off- have just been a bit distracted being a dad for the last few months

Congratulations! It is a busy but rewarding time.

I have got used to babies again after more than 20 years. My daughter had identical twin boys last November.

Sorry that I am late to the sweet 16 party but I just got back from 12 days in France where I had limited online access.
Salopian Posted - 11/02/2015 : 11:11:36
Lily and May are both names I always used to imagine calling a daughter.
benj clews Posted - 10/29/2015 : 10:20:19
Thanks all! Again, glad to see you all still popping on the site from time to time.

P.S. I forgot to mention regard baby... she's a she and she's called Lilly-May :)
Cheese_Ed Posted - 10/28/2015 : 15:13:35
Hidy ho there Fwiffer Fwiends and congrats to, M' guy X, bouncing baby bringer benj!

Salopian Posted - 10/28/2015 : 07:49:16
No worries, MguyX, and Larry, you're certainly the greatest boon the site has had in those years.
Salopian Posted - 10/28/2015 : 07:47:29
Originally posted by benj clews

Thanks Salopian and Mguyx :) Good to see you're both still around.

I'm still here on and off- have just been a bit distracted being a dad for the last few months

Congrats! (I mean I assume you're tired, not bored.) But (s)he'll only be a proper person upon saying his/her first four words.
Larry Posted - 10/27/2015 : 20:58:55

I still consider myself a newcomer (compared to most players), but I just realized I've been here for almost half of FWFR's life. Proud to be a part of this great site. Let's make sure it keeps going. Thank you, benj, for creating such a fun place to be.
benj clews Posted - 10/27/2015 : 20:24:03
Thanks Salopian and Mguyx :) Good to see you're both still around.

I'm still here on and off- have just been a bit distracted being a dad for the last few months
MguyXXV Posted - 10/27/2015 : 06:17:01
Thank you S(complicated math)lopian! I'm glad we're friends, as it touches my heart to receive a birthday greeting from you, as I'm sure it touches the very core of FWFR that you keep the annual celebration alive.

Here's to you S(complicated math)lopian and FWFR!!

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