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T O P I C    R E V I E W
MguyXXV Posted - 10/03/2017 : 10:27:45
Not to steal the thunder of our ever-diligent Europian/Salopian -- who always remembers and reminds us of FWFR's anniversary/birthday, but it occurred to me -- after seeing Ian's "Happy Seventeenth" post -- that FWFR is turning 18 this month (26 Oct)!

In the U.S., that means
  • it can drive a car without having another licensed driver accompany it (provided it takes and passses its own driving test )
  • if it has sex with someone 18 years or over, it will no longer be statutory rape (but if it is unconscious and cannot give consent, it is still rape, so hands off! ; and the same applies if it has sex with you while you are unconscious, so, hands off! )

  • if it has sex with someone under 18, it will be statutory rape (so, um, hands off )

  • it still cannot buy cigarettes or booze (legally )

  • it would be able to vote ... if it were a U.S. citizen, but it isn't, so if it does, it would be voter fraud, so hands off!
  • it probably graduated from High School and is about to start College/University (we're so proud!), and

  • it probably just got a stupid tattoo (that it will regret in about 10 years, so, "hats off (dummy)" )
Don't forget to join in our annual celebration!
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
MguyXXV Posted - 10/26/2017 : 08:50:04
Happy 18 FWFR!

Now get a job.
MguyXXV Posted - 10/08/2017 : 15:42:22
... but it does kind of spoil it by pre-empting the day.
Couldn't help myself; and as I age, it's more important to write things out as I think them before I ... what were we talking about?
Salopian Posted - 10/08/2017 : 13:37:21
Originally posted by MguyX

Not to steal the thunder of our ever-diligent Europian/Salopian -- who always remembers and reminds us of FWFR's anniversary/birthday

Not about anyone's thunder but it does kind of spoil it by pre-empting the day. My mum did the same thing recently with regard to my cat's birthday (who lives with her as I'm abroad). Oh well.

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