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 Happy twentieth birthday F.W.F.R.!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Salopian Posted - 10/26/2019 : 16:39:56
And happy somethingsomethingth birthday to MguyX.

Thank you so much to Benj and everyone for two decades of fun.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Chris C Posted - 11/07/2019 : 19:50:26
Hi all

I'm still here .

I occasionally drop by to see whats happening, although I've not written a review for about four years. It's good to see that it's still going and many of you are still here. Twenty years is a damn fine effort. Congrats to Benj, and thanks for all the hard work.
Sludge Posted - 11/07/2019 : 00:15:29
Originally posted by Beanmimo

Originally posted by TitanPa

Remember when there was no Facebook and Twitter? This was the place to be.

Indeed! It was social media that drew me away from fwfr.

While I have been making a living for almost 8 years by running social media accounts for multiple businesses, I have to credit the participation in fwfr as part of my grounding for this aspect of my employment journey!

It is VERY nice to be back!!

Yeah, I was gonna say, I had joined a pun group on one of the social media sites only to see that when someone posted a real gem, it would be severely diminished by 100+ really bad, cliche attempts at wordplay. I'm okay with bad if it's the absolute worst, but these were in that fatiguing merely really bad ground. So I stopped using that after a day. On FWFR I am not as active in the forums but I do visit the home page now and then to vote and see if there are any interesting newbies.

demonic Posted - 11/04/2019 : 04:41:29
I'd love for it to be fixed, it's not currently possible to add images to accolades. I know we asked about it ages ago, but there was no straightforward solution.
TitanPa Posted - 11/03/2019 : 19:55:38
Originally posted by dem20nic

Originally posted by TitanPa

Btw... few things. How do I change my profile pic? (What is the size of the pic supposed to be?) Lol this was still from those contests. And I remember what I was doing all those years ago. I was trying to get ahead of Alan Smithee in the rankings lol. And here�s where I get hooked again.

Good to see you TitanPa...

The photo upload hasn't been working properly for some time now - I'm not really sure why.

oh ok. I thought I was going crazy. So Im stuck with this. lol. Maybe it needs to be fixed

demonic Posted - 11/03/2019 : 04:47:18
Originally posted by TitanPa

Btw... few things. How do I change my profile pic? (What is the size of the pic supposed to be?) Lol this was still from those contests. And I remember what I was doing all those years ago. I was trying to get ahead of Alan Smithee in the rankings lol. And here�s where I get hooked again.

Good to see you TitanPa...

The photo upload hasn't been working properly for some time now - I'm not really sure why.
Beanmimo Posted - 11/02/2019 : 14:28:48
Originally posted by TitanPa

Remember when there was no Facebook and Twitter? This was the place to be.

Indeed! It was social media that drew me away from fwfr.

While I have been making a living for almost 8 years by running social media accounts for multiple businesses, I have to credit the participation in fwfr as part of my grounding for this aspect of my employment journey!

It is VERY nice to be back!!
TitanPa Posted - 11/02/2019 : 00:47:43
Btw... few things. How do I change my profile pic? (What is the size of the pic supposed to be?) Lol this was still from those contests. And I remember what I was doing all those years ago. I was trying to get ahead of Alan Smithee in the rankings lol. And here�s where I get hooked again.

TitanPa Posted - 11/02/2019 : 00:40:24
Well, I guess I should should stop by and visit the the place I spent quality time and met quality friends. Remember when there was no Facebook and Twitter? This was the place to be. 20 years? Wow! Happy Birthday!! In honor of the celebration I will be getting 20 reviews approved. But I feel there might be more. I just saw Joker and it has my creative juices flowing. Here�s to 20 more!

MguyXXV Posted - 11/01/2019 : 22:43:48
Originally posted by Cheese_Ed

It's weird how FWFR is twenty years old, Mguy has one foot in the grave, ...

Get off my lawn!!!
Sludge Posted - 11/01/2019 : 21:28:37
Wow Benj!

Your original vision of the site, enhanced by judicious merps, has made for enduring, carefully crafted content. I appreciate this labor of love and your hosting this place I can call home.

Thank you!

...right, sorry, taking my feet off the couch.
Beanmimo Posted - 10/30/2019 : 20:00:29
Happy Birthday FWFR!

It has been far too long since I visited and a peruse around the site is bringing back fond memories.

Congratulations Benj!

Yukon Posted - 10/30/2019 : 13:48:12
Popped in to say hello and congrats to FWFR on turning 20 years old.

Way to go Benj!
Cheese_Ed Posted - 10/29/2019 : 13:39:45
It's weird how FWFR is twenty years old, Mguy has one foot in the grave, and I haven't aged a bit! I'm still a Queso Fresco!

Congrats benj! Thanks for all the years of entertainment (...and please don't stop).

lemmycaution Posted - 10/29/2019 : 04:56:08
Originally posted by Scorelopian

Originally posted by twentycaution

Congratulations benj and thank you for many years of enjoyment.

I imagined you going for lemmyscoretion, but perhaps I ruined it by using that myself: couldn't think of any better fit for mine, unfortunately.

Guess I just don't know the score!
demonic Posted - 10/29/2019 : 02:24:24
Twenty years... amazing. Glad that there's still life in the old pun factory yet.

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