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"Welcome back, Billy Buck"

Posted - 10/23/2007 :  03:51:24  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I could use a little help getting trophies into "FWFR motif." What are the color codes for the blue and the tan?

Edited by - Downtown on 10/23/2007 04:03:22


Posted - 10/23/2007 :  17:43:39  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
dark blue (main color): 51/51/204
purplish blue 78/78/195
violet 109/109/185
gray violet 138/138/175
gray 165/165/166
olive 200/200/154
olive drab 186/186/159
white (transparent) 255/255/255
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"Welcome back, Billy Buck"

Posted - 10/23/2007 :  19:06:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks duh, but that's a little too much information for me. I'm only looking for two colors:

The blue of the trophy base so I can make the rest of the trophy match it, and the olive (I think) of the background so I can make the null space blend in with the rest of the page. I assume those are included in your list, but I can't tell which they are (I have a feeling "main color" is the blue I'm looking for but I'm not sure).

The exact maximum dimensions would be nice, too.

I would also suggest that maybe benj might want to include this in his Accolade FAQs, since I know he once explained this a LONG time ago but I couldn't seem to find it.
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Posted - 10/23/2007 :  21:28:45  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

White is the transparent background, not Olive, altho you could use Olive okay.

The colors listed above are in the color table of the gif. You'd really only need the main blue and the background.
89 X 30 pixel base.

I think the actual trophy dimensions are 80 X 100.

Edited by - duh on 10/23/2007 21:30:40
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"Welcome back, Billy Buck"

Posted - 10/23/2007 :  21:51:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
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"Four ever European"

Posted - 06/14/2009 :  23:31:38  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by duh Improper Username

White is the transparent background

I don't understand this. I can only get it to look actually white. How can I make the background (of a GIF in Paint) transparent?

Thank you!
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"Always entranced by cinema."

Posted - 06/15/2009 :  10:56:07  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by duh Improper Username

White is the transparent background

I don't understand this. I can only get it to look actually white. How can I make the background (of a GIF in Paint) transparent?

Thank you!

This is a good overview of Paint, including why you can't actually produce true transparency. It's free for a reason!

You can import your proto-transparent image into a professional program such as Paint SHop Pro or Photoshop. I think Irfanview, which is available for free, does have a transparency save option, but you'd have to check it out.

Edited by - BaftaBaby on 06/15/2009 10:56:40
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"Four ever European"

Posted - 06/16/2009 :  22:21:10  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Oh, O.K. Thanks. Well, the olive will do fine for now then, until I have access to some better software.
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