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benj clews 

Posted - 02/16/2005 :  08:44:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by AC

There are two Mighty Ducks reviews which are incorrect:

for this movie,
sboog refers to the Olympics, when the tournament is the Goodwill Games. This is important as the Olympics figure in Part 4.

Which brings us to this movie:
The newest review by JWMP says that the trilogy ends, which are two incorrect statements, because obviously now there's a fourth, so the series continues past the third.

It's sad, but I love this series.


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"Forever a curious character."

Posted - 02/20/2005 :  21:39:32  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
"Hitman visits taxidriver's mother." - Collateral

"taxi driver" is two words.

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"Welcome back, Billy Buck"

Posted - 02/20/2005 :  21:57:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by GHcool

"Hitman visits taxidriver's mother." - Collateral

"taxi driver" is two words.

Could easily be changed to "cabbie"

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benj clews 

Posted - 02/21/2005 :  00:33:24  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by GHcool

"Hitman visits taxidriver's mother." - Collateral

"taxi driver" is two words.

Politely declined for now.

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"Four ever European"

Posted - 03/03/2005 :  17:41:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Spoilerish warning:

I'm really not sure that "DeNiro [sic, grrr] enters Dakota" is accurate. I can just about see what the reviewer may mean, but I would say that it is pushing things a bit far. It also comes across as meaning something even more unpleasant.

Edited by - Salopian on 03/03/2005 17:43:43
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"Necrosphenisciform anthropophagist."

Posted - 03/23/2005 :  05:09:49  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It looks like some nursery rhymes have entered Naked Fairy Tales again. Here are the ones I identified ordered by most recent, all in the most recent 20:-

Cow, moons, dish, poon.
Humpin' Dumpty.
Hickory Dickory cock.
Dish got spooned.
Little Jack Horney.
Old King Cock.
Little Bo Peeping Tom.

I was also pained to discover a duplicate, the 9th and 20th from the bottom of the page, "The Emperor's No Clothes", I am absolutely SURE it wasn't there when I had mine posted, perhaps the other one went AWOL for a few months? Sob.... Either way, please delete mine and give my votes to noncentz.... <suicidal smiley> etc.

Also, 12th review up is "Goldilocks and the bares", and somewhere in the middle is "Goldilocks, Three Bares", not sure if you'd call those a dupe, but it isn't far off.

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"The Provolone Ranger"

Posted - 03/24/2005 :  21:52:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Not to be a FIGWIT nitpick, but he's an elf, apparently, not a hobbit, sorry bife.


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"Winners never quit ... fwfr ... "

Posted - 03/24/2005 :  22:01:14  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Cheese_Ed

Not to be a FIGWIT nitpick, but he's an elf, apparently, not a hobbit, sorry bife.


... but 'an extra hobbit' sounds better

Erm ... 'An extra elf' or 'An extra, hobbit' would seem to be my two options if benj doesn't like it as it is.

Benj, if this is deemed too inaccurate (and I trust Ed's Figwit credentials), can you change it to 'An extra elf'. That should do the trick.

Cheers Cheesy

Btw - this film has a lot of reviewing potential, I'd recomend you all to check it out. About an LOTR extra that achieved a worldwide fan base after starring as an extra for just 3 seconds.

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"Four ever European"

Posted - 03/25/2005 :  15:58:28  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hhmmm, I'm not quite sure of the value of tiger's reviews "Fox looks like Ray", "Fox sings like Ray" and especially "Foxx is Ray Charles", but I am posting with regard to his/her "Ray has many kids." This just isn't true (in the film at least; I have no idea about reality) - he has two (or at most three, but I think two) children with his wife and one with someone else.

Edited by - Salopian on 03/26/2005 10:30:39
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"Four ever European"

Posted - 03/26/2005 :  10:29:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'm confused by kolo's "Homophobic view of nature" - I'd be surprised if this were the angle of the film.

I also did not know what Randall meant by "Fairy aeries" (I even wondered "Fairy Aves") - apparently it is a variant of eyries that I had never heard before. So this review means "Gay nests", which seems to me to be pushing it a bit, but then I suppose it is the equivalent of "Gay households" so is probably just about meaningful.

Edited by - Salopian on 03/26/2005 10:38:44
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"I like to watch."

Posted - 03/30/2005 :  11:57:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Salopian

I'm confused by kolo's "Homophobic view of nature" - I'd be surprised if this were the angle of the film.

I also did not know what Randall meant by "Fairy aeries" (I even wondered "Fairy Aves") - apparently it is a variant of eyries that I had never heard before. So this review means "Gay nests", which seems to me to be pushing it a bit, but then I suppose it is the equivalent of "Gay households" so is probably just about meaningful.

Aerie: the nest of a bird on a cliff or mountaintop. [It's hardly a variant in the US.] That's exactly what I meant: gay households.

Edited by - randall on 03/30/2005 12:04:39
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Corduroy Pillow 
"All puns intended"

Posted - 03/30/2005 :  16:17:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Salopian

Hhmmm, I'm not quite sure of the value of tiger's reviews "Fox looks like Ray", "Fox sings like Ray" and especially "Foxx is Ray Charles", but I am posting with regard to his/her "Ray has many kids." This just isn't true (in the film at least; I have no idea about reality) - he has two (or at most three, but I think two) children with his wife and one with someone else.

At one point in the film, early in Ray's marriage to Bea, Ray tells her his father had other families. Bea tells him that he, however, will have only one. If that was the goal, he ended up having one kid too many.

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Conan The Westy 
"Father, Faithful Friend, Fwiffer"

Posted - 04/02/2005 :  02:24:31  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I was just reading through some Bridge On The River Kwai reviews when I noticed Ken's Niven's Colonel forgets priorities.
I can't remember David Niven being in this movie and was wondering if there had been a mix up with Alec Guinness's character. If so a simple substitution of actor's surnames should do the trick.

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"Forever a curious character."

Posted - 04/08/2005 :  06:18:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
"Forgetful filmwriter fools folks." for" target="_blank">The Majestic

"Film writer" is two words.

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benj clews 

Posted - 04/08/2005 :  10:29:00  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by GHcool

"Forgetful filmwriter fools folks." for" target="_blank">The Majestic

"Film writer" is two words.

Fixed- thanks.

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