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randall  "I like to watch."
Posted - 09/02/2005 : 21:23:22
quote: Originally posted by Sean
quote: Originally posted by benj clews
quote: Originally posted by Sean
Memphis Belle (1990) has a couple of reviews referring to Dresden. The relevant city in that film was Bremen (although in reality, the Memphis Belle's last mission was to Wilhelmshafen). Dresden wasn't hit until a couple of years later, early 1945.
So, if those reviews were edited so 'Dresden' was replaced with 'Bremen' they'd be ok.
It doesn't help that one of the plot summaries at IMDb refers to the raid being on Dresden. 
Have declined those reviews, but noticed there's another in the pending pile also referring to Dresden. Is it possible the film incorrectly refers to Dresden (which would still make these reviews acceptable)? Basically, are you going off historical knowledge here or filmic knowledge?
I had a good look around before making above post.
Memphis Belle: A Story Of A Flying Fortress, The (1944) was a documentary on this historical bombing raid to Wilhelmshafen.
The 1990 fictional movie Memphis Belle (1990) (which had the incorrect 'Dresden' reviews) had the bombing raid to Bremen. So the Memphis Belle didn't bomb Dresden in history or in the 1990 fictional movie.
I suspect the reviews mentioned Dresden as the principal plot summary at IMDb (that's where I go to check facts before submitting reviews) incorrectly mentioned Dresden.
As one of the infringers, I warrant: you are correct, sir! My crude pun was inspired by the IMDb account, and now I've resubmitted it with the edit you suggested.

Cheese_Ed  "The Provolone Ranger"
Posted - 09/02/2005 : 21:38:38
I just re-watched 2 Days in the Valley last night, I'd like to nominate a few inaccurate/vague reviews that appear on FWFR.
Jeff Daniels refuses handjob. - It was Eric Stoltz's character, not Daniels Bunch of actors interact. - vague? 'Pulp Fiction' done better. - vague? Several stories, one conclusion. - vague? Killer gives 30 seconds. - actually Spader always gave victims 60 seconds Jeff on Jack Daniels. - Daniels is unstable but he isn't a drunk, he's never shown taking a drink in the whole movie
Sorry to rain on everybody's Friday 

Cheese_Ed  "The Provolone Ranger"
Posted - 09/02/2005 : 22:24:29
As long as I'm at it, there are a lot of questionable American Beauties as well.
Sorry for not sorting them into the spelling, vague, and duplicate threads.
Vague Artsy Jerry Springer episode. Is America this dysfunctional? Meet slightly dysfunctional family. Radiantly dark, fantasticly disturbing. Sad and beautiful masterpiece. Mystical, yet nondenominational, agitprop. - maybe I just don't get it Horrible film deemed "artistic". Strangely similar to 'Lolita'. Trite, violent modern Lolita. Spacey brilliant; intriging film. - if not vague, then put under Spelling Porn goes mainstream. Feh. Man, getting old sucks! Funny, emotional, gripping, SPECTACULAR!!! Mainstream does arthouse (wrong). Makes lechery seem acceptable. Brilliant drama in suburbs.
Merely quotes, are these OK? Pass the f%$#ing asparagus. Spacey says 'I RULE!'.
Spelling Benning bonks; gets busted. - Bening Wierd kid lays Thora. - weird
Duplicates Spacey has mid-life crisis. Spacey's mid-life crisis.
Man finds enlightenment, dies. Spacey finds enlightenment, dies.

benj clews  "...."
Posted - 09/02/2005 : 22:39:55
quote: Originally posted by Cheese_Ed
I just re-watched 2 Days in the Valley last night, I'd like to nominate a few inaccurate/vague reviews that appear on FWFR.
Jeff Daniels refuses handjob. - It was Eric Stoltz's character, not Daniels Bunch of actors interact. - vague? 'Pulp Fiction' done better. - vague? Several stories, one conclusion. - vague? Killer gives 30 seconds. - actually Spader always gave victims 60 seconds Jeff on Jack Daniels. - Daniels is unstable but he isn't a drunk, he's never shown taking a drink in the whole movie
Sorry to rain on everybody's Friday 
Yeesh... fixed the above at least 

roger_thornhill  "'scuse me while I disappear..."
Posted - 09/03/2005 : 17:19:28
The heroine in this film isn't an actress to my recollection, but the young daughter of a constable. Randall might be thinkign of Stage Fright.

Stalean  "Back...OMG"
Posted - 09/03/2005 : 17:41:50
quote: Originally posted by george_kaplan
The heroine in this film isn't an actress to my recollection, but the young daughter of a constable. Randall might be thinkign of Stage Fright.
Randall appears to be referring to the actress that is killed, hence her lover is wrongly accused (fingered) by the authorities. He then goes on the lam with the constable's young daughter, Erica.

randall  "I like to watch."
Posted - 09/03/2005 : 19:54:30
quote: Originally posted by StaLean
quote: Originally posted by george_kaplan
The heroine in this film isn't an actress to my recollection, but the young daughter of a constable. Randall might be thinkign of Stage Fright.
Randall appears to be referring to the actress that is killed, hence her lover is wrongly accused (fingered) by the authorities. He then goes on the lam with the constable's young daughter, Erica.
That was precisely my line of thinking, StaLean. Well spotted, though, Kappy.
Edited by - randall on 09/03/2005 22:10:21 |

The General  "Forty? What? Me? How?."
Posted - 09/04/2005 : 00:57:24
I was wondering about many of the reviews for "Roof Sex." This is a film about simulated sex between pieces of furniture, yet many of the reviews do not mention furniture. Is this OK?

noncentz  "Myself in four words."
Posted - 09/04/2005 : 04:33:19
No, there is absolutely nothing wrong with sex between pieces of furniture.

The General  "Forty? What? Me? How?."
Posted - 09/04/2005 : 04:47:32
(There's a joke here about consenting armchairs but I can't quite think of it...) |
Edited by - The General on 09/04/2005 05:43:48 |

Sean  "Necrosphenisciform anthropophagist."
Posted - 09/05/2005 : 04:18:38
quote: Originally posted by Randall
quote: Originally posted by Sean
The 1990 fictional movie Memphis Belle (1990) (which had the incorrect 'Dresden' reviews) had the bombing raid to Bremen. So the Memphis Belle didn't bomb Dresden in history or in the 1990 fictional movie.
As one of the infringers, I warrant: you are correct, sir! My crude pun was inspired by the IMDb account, and now I've resubmitted it with the edit you suggested.
Oh no! I just went to vote for it (now that it's correct) and see that it's votes have disappeared! I thought this wasn't supposed to happen, essentially it's just a minor edit akin to a typo correction. 
Edited by - Sean on 09/05/2005 04:19:29 |

randall  "I like to watch."
Posted - 09/05/2005 : 14:07:16
foxy and Conan, don't you both have it wrong here? Demi is Caine's daughter; he's after the other girl.
Edited by - randall on 09/05/2005 14:09:42 |

Conan The Westy  "Father, Faithful Friend, Fwiffer"
Posted - 09/05/2005 : 14:58:35
quote: Originally posted by Randall
foxy and Conan, don't you both have it wrong here? Demi is Caine's daughter; he's after the other girl.
You're spot on Randall. Mine is now deleted.

thefoxboy  "Four your eyes only."
Posted - 09/05/2005 : 21:52:11
quote: Originally posted by Conan The Cardinal
quote: Originally posted by Randall
foxy and Conan, don't you both have it wrong here? Demi is Caine's daughter; he's after the other girl.
You're spot on Randall. Mine is now deleted.
Stupid Aussies 
Edited by - thefoxboy on 09/05/2005 21:52:39 |

randall  "I like to watch."
Posted - 09/06/2005 : 15:46:10
OK, I think I've found an accolade that's wrong. This might get confusing, but trust me: it's wrong.
It's Salopian's "American Imperialism" -- thanks for the nice thought, Sally -- in which he asks us to review Americanized remakes of films initially set in other countries. One of them leads to this movie, entitled POINT OF NO RETURN. It has nothing to do with the accolade topic. What Sally actually meant to include, in fact did include, was this movie, which is a virtual shot-by-shot Americanized remake of LA FEMME NIKITA. Why the confusion? Because THE ASSASSIN is the IMDb, or UK, title: the release title of this NIKITA remake in its country of origin was...wait for it...POINT OF NO RETURN! So THE ASSASSIN is properly in his accolade, but the version of POINT OF NO RETURN he indicates doesn't belong there.
I've submitted a review of the outsider movie which should pass because it deals with this very issue. [Because I want the nice wavy American flag in my trophy case!] But if Sally's reading this thread, how about fixing the accolade?
BTW, this almost certainly makes AC's review of the doesn't-belong movie wrong, because the poor sap is trying to review the NIKITA remake. Unless there were two of them...bwahahaha...
EDIT: And Sally, you forgot this famous USAed stinker, for which the director of the brilliant original, George Sluizer, did the remake honors himself!!! [Note my review of it.] What was he thinking?
Edited by - randall on 09/06/2005 22:05:05 |
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