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benj clews 

Posted - 11/16/2004 :  08:40:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Salopian

There are many more breakfast cereal brands than ring-shaped foods.

Prove it.

I was not imagining the spoon to be an important part of the story, and indeed it is not.

It's a huge spoon! It scoops the kids up! They nearly get eaten off it! It's a major set-piece in the film- how can it *not* be important?

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"Long mired in film"

Posted - 11/16/2004 :  14:51:15  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Breakfast, the most important meal of the day!
An unfortunate offshoot of this thread is the discovery that a review of mine--'Moranis reduces grocery bill'(March 9/04) is virtually the same as an earlier one by sbudgie 'Grocery bills temporarily reduced' (July 28/03). I must not have double checked the reviews before I submitted. I want to delete it but can I leave that to you benj so that the votes that mine has received can be credited to sbudgie? I have submitted another review to fill the gap but I don't think, alas, that it will capture as many votes.

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"Winners never quit ... fwfr ... "

Posted - 11/16/2004 :  15:08:47  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I feel for you Lemmy - that was good review

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"Long mired in film"

Posted - 11/16/2004 :  15:17:50  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
'Preciate your commiseration, bife. Think I'll drown my sorrow in a bowl of bran flakes (carefully staying generic to ensure no further debate in this thread).
Oops. Forgot that bringing up 'generic' usually triggers lottsa posts.

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"I don't get it...."

Posted - 11/16/2004 :  18:30:29  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I haven't seen the movie in years and years, but I clearly remember Rick Moranis going into his ugly beige kitchen, pouring some cereal, taking this spoon that just looked huge to me and once it was sort of near his mouth and nose, we see the kids in there. Floating in mostly milk with a few Cheerios. I personally don't think that the exact cereal brand matters, but the spoon was definitely our focus for a few minutes.

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"Four ever European"

Posted - 11/18/2004 :  02:38:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Bife, I think this, should be 'Willy', shouldn't it, if it is spelt the same as here? It will be better for your pun, as well.

Edit: I've just noticed that other people have the same spelling, but here it has '-y' too. Also noticed there that British rent-a-kid Freddie Highmore is popping up again.

Edited by - Salopian on 11/18/2004 03:00:34
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"Four ever European"

Posted - 11/18/2004 :  02:43:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Sean

Originally posted by StaLean
Disney would never allow the perception that a hot soup was used to float children in rather than cold milk.

The same thought occured to me, StaLean.

"Honey I boiled alive the shrunken kids in a bowl of hot soup". Starring Hannibal Lecter.

Soup that is cool enough to eat does not scald people on the inside and thus does not scald people on the outside either.

Edited by - Salopian on 11/18/2004 02:50:15
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"Four ever European"

Posted - 11/18/2004 :  02:45:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by benj clews

Prove it.

All right. You list all the ring-shaped foods you can think of and I will name more brands of breakfast cereal.

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"Four ever European"

Posted - 11/18/2004 :  02:49:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Tori

I haven't seen the movie in years and years, but I clearly remember Rick Moranis going into his ugly beige kitchen, pouring some cereal, taking this spoon that just looked huge to me and once it was sort of near his mouth and nose, we see the kids in there. Floating in mostly milk with a few Cheerios. I personally don't think that the exact cereal brand matters, but the spoon was definitely our focus for a few minutes.

O.K., I'll accept that it is dead important that it is breakfast cereal. However, I still think referring to one brand's slogan when it is not a similar cereal to that brand is just too loose. This is especially the case since that slogan highlights features of Rice Krispies that do not happen to be shared by Cheerios (i.e. Cheerios do not snap, crackle or pop).

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"Four ever European"

Posted - 11/18/2004 :  03:02:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by benj clews

never debate logic with a programmer

O.K., if you won't debate punctuation with a sub-editor.

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benj clews 

Posted - 11/18/2004 :  08:38:29  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by benj clews

Prove it.

All right. You list all the ring-shaped foods you can think of and I will name more brands of breakfast cereal.

After you

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benj clews 

Posted - 11/18/2004 :  08:40:15  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by benj clews

never debate logic with a programmer

O.K., if you won't debate punctuation with a sub-editor.

I know- I learnt this the hard way

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"Four ever European"

Posted - 11/21/2004 :  03:03:15  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Nice pun, the kid, but Garfield is not tabby, he's ginger. I've checked in the dictionary and it does as a secondary and very spurious meaning say "any domestic cat", but it adds to that "especially female".

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"Four ever European"

Posted - 11/21/2004 :  03:15:56  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
According to the dictionary 'trash can' is not one word. However, 'dustbin' is, and this would be better anyway, seeing as it is a British story (grumble, grumble ).

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"I don't get it...."

Posted - 11/21/2004 :  06:40:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Salopian

According to the dictionary 'trash can' is not one word. However, 'dustbin' is, and this would be better anyway, seeing as it is a British story (grumble, grumble ).

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