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duh  "catpurrs"
Posted - 05/15/2005 : 14:32:45
quote: Originally posted by Joss
Urie is actually an acronym U.R.I.E. It originates back from 1930's England when in Wolverhampton a man was found unconsious by an elm tree, nothing was thought of this until more people were being discovered unconsious by elm trees. After some research it was discovered that people were becoming infected by a rare disease that gives them a great urge to run into an elm tree with great force. Although the epidemic passed in a matter of weeks and was never heard of again the unexplained running into elms (U.R.I.E) disease has been wrote about in numerous medical books ever since.
You must be my long-lost cousin, who had the same gift for bullshitting.

duh  "catpurrs"
Posted - 05/15/2005 : 14:45:06
The word came about back in pioneer times on the American prairie, when settlers went in search of dried buffalo dung with which to build fires for warmth and cooking. (There was very little timber on the prairie back then.) They carried burlap bags in which to collect the dung. Of course, these were known as "sacks of bullshit," amongst the men, but in mixed company, were referred to as "sacks of bull."
In the evenings, after chores and before going to bed, many settlers would get out their saxophones for a little music. Some of them enjoyed playing their instruments so much that others, wishing merely for a decent night's sleep, would stuff bagfuls of buffalo dung into the saxophones; therefore, "sax o' bull."
Over time, when one encountered a particularly bad sax player, one would say, "Sounds like a saxobull; he must have forgotten to remove the buffalo dung from his sax." Eventually, the word came to be applied to any instrument played poorly or tiresomely.
Mensanovial )(~~ twit twit twit ~~~ goes the little birdy.)
Edited by - duh on 05/15/2005 14:49:01 |

lekolight  "Now Available in CinemaScope"
Posted - 05/15/2005 : 18:49:57
Full name is actually, The Mysterious Order Of the Mensanovial (MOON) founded in the 400's BCE. A group of men who had married woman unable to bare children. They would meet monthly at the full moon and imbibe in strong drink while exchanging stories of their sexual exploits usually made up and always exagerated. As the gathering would end the youngest member present would bend at the waist, raise his tunic, and wag his bared bottom at the Moon. The purpose of this ritual is lost in antiquity but may have been in an effort to increase virility.
The order was forced to go underground in the middle ages and finally faded away sometime in the mid-1700's.
However, their legacy lives on in pubs and barrooms around the globe on Friday and Saturday nights. With stong libation, exagerated stories and drives around town mooning passerbys.
Edited by - lekolight on 05/15/2005 18:51:00 |

Bavvy  "Can't talk. Watching movie."
Posted - 05/15/2005 : 20:27:05
Plig - A ingenious agricultural instrument, both used to plough and dig. Although quite a hefty investment, a amateur farmer investing in a plough on the long term saves both money and his back.
Next word: Fronk

Conan The Westy  "Father, Faithful Friend, Fwiffer"
Posted - 05/15/2005 : 21:54:45
Fronk - the loud, trumpeting noise emitted when some people blow their nose.
Eg. My brother's fronking used to make my young daughter cry.

duh  "catpurrs"
Posted - 05/16/2005 : 03:47:22
When you toss your cookies simultaneously through nose and mouth.

Stalean  "Back...OMG"
Posted - 05/16/2005 : 04:20:11
The state or quality of being anti-tipping; extremely unpopular to waiters, waitresses, bartenders, and the like.

lekolight  "Now Available in CinemaScope"
Posted - 05/16/2005 : 05:29:27
referring to the act of burping, not externalized, after drinking a carbonated beverage that tickles the inside of your nose.
"His eyes began to water as he burped confliguratively."

turrell  "Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhh "
Posted - 05/16/2005 : 06:59:32
Nauvey - (v) to convey a sense of nausea

Sean  "Necrosphenisciform anthropophagist."
Posted - 05/16/2005 : 11:59:25
High-fat sausage that drips fat on the ground while you are exiting the butcher shop causing you to slip over and land on the sausage in an awkward position.

rri1  "Mistaken for Wayne Knight!"
Posted - 05/16/2005 : 16:37:53
quote: Originally posted by StaLean
quote: Originally posted by Conan - the Author's Husband
Whifflebat is a real word where I come from. It is played with (of all things) a Whiffle Ball, as a matter of fact, the game is called Whiffle Ball (exactly like baseball, only 9 players aren't necessary). You hit the Whiffle Ball with a Whiffle Bat (which is plastic). The Whiffle Ball is plastic, also, with holes in it... presumably, to make it go farther. 
Official Whiffle Balls have holes on one side of the ball which allows pitchers to throw wicked curveballs.
Non-official whiffle balls have their holes spaced evenly around the surface, so they don't curve nearly so well.
There was a classic MST3K host segment where they invented a variety of Whiffle products: - whiffle hats (airy and more confortable that regular plastic hats) - whiffle glass (that one needs some work) - whiffle cheese (actually Swiss cheese--Nature's own Whiffle!)

Edited by - rri1 on 05/16/2005 16:44:17 |

rri1  "Mistaken for Wayne Knight!"
Posted - 05/16/2005 : 16:42:21
Back to our regularly scheduled game:
Combibulations: What a baby gets into when he doesn't want to play "airplane and hangar" at feeding time.
Edited by - rri1 on 05/16/2005 16:46:36 |

duh  "catpurrs"
Posted - 05/16/2005 : 17:04:40
quote: Originally posted by rri1
Back to our regularly scheduled game:
Combibulations: What a baby gets into when he doesn't want to play "airplane and hangar" at feeding time.
Having good chuckle here!

lekolight  "Now Available in CinemaScope"
Posted - 05/16/2005 : 17:51:06
The dark brooding feeling when one is unable to do what is preceived as a simple task.
"Bob was frunkulous after striking out three times while playing Whiffleball."

Kruegerbait  "Not known as Joss"
Posted - 05/16/2005 : 21:05:14
A very stupid castle, usually painted in very bright colours and positioned somewhere in a valley . They usually sell for around �349,500 if detached. I've tried telling Bob and Mary this but will they listen? Their crastle has been up for �469,700 for six months and still they've had no offers, and come to think of it, come bad weather it'll probably sprout a leak, then they're done for.
Next word crannyslip.
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