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BaftaBaby  "Always entranced by cinema."
Posted - 06/07/2008 : 20:00:18
quote: Originally posted by Whippersnapper
One guy tries to take another - who is afraid of flying - to their destination by plane.
They board the plane but they have to get off (before take-off I should add!) because the person being taken throws a fit. They then have to travel overland instead.
I can think of three films where this happens - name them (and any others I haven't thought of )
You can also mention any other films with variants on this theme, just to keep us amused. For example, PLANES, TRAINS & AUTOMOBILES where weather, rather than fear of flying, prevents them from flying.
1. Rainman 2. Not sure but - Borat? 3. Doesn't Yosarian refuse to fly another mission in Catch-22?
Edited by - BaftaBaby on 06/07/2008 22:14:43 |

Whippersnapper.  "A fourword thinking guy."
Posted - 06/07/2008 : 20:59:39
Keep going, Baffs!

lemmycaution  "Long mired in film"
Posted - 06/07/2008 : 22:02:18
2. Midnight Run |

Whippersnapper.  "A fourword thinking guy."
Posted - 06/07/2008 : 22:53:24
Chalk up one for Lemmy, who gets another of my list.
Only one more to go. Although it's one of my favourite films ever it's possible you may not have seen it, so I'll give you a clue after another guess or two, or if you stand on your hind legs and beg.
As for Baffy's guesses, well, I don't know about Borat, as I could only stand about 12.4 minutes of it, and I'm still trying to forget that - his sister indeed! - and on Catch 22 I'm not sure if it counts - I don't remember him actually getting on a plane with someone else and then not flying - but anyhow I meant boarding a civil aircraft as paying passengers, as in RAIN MAN and MIDNIGHT RUN.

BaftaBaby  "Always entranced by cinema."
Posted - 06/07/2008 : 23:13:04
Paris Texas

Whippersnapper.  "A fourword thinking guy."
Posted - 06/07/2008 : 23:20:04
What a star you are Baffy! 
It's interesting that RAIN MAN stole adapted the idea from PARIS, TEXAS. Hope they sent Sam Shepard a small cheque in consideration... 
So, Queen Of Trivia, your turn.

BaftaBaby  "Always entranced by cinema."
Posted - 06/07/2008 : 23:26:57
quote: Originally posted by Whippersnapper
What a star you are Baffy! 
It's interesting that RAIN MAN stole adapted the idea from PARIS, TEXAS. Hope they sent Sam Shepard a small cheque in consideration... 
So, Queen Of Trivia, your turn.
Thanks, Whippy!
Actually, I've had a lot of turns here, so lemmy darling, if you'd like a turn - it's yours! 

lemmycaution  "Long mired in film"
Posted - 06/07/2008 : 23:38:34
An easy one. What does Louis throw in the wastebasket at the end of Casablanca? |

Whippersnapper.  "A fourword thinking guy."
Posted - 06/08/2008 : 00:34:47
Was it those "letters of transit"?

lemmycaution  "Long mired in film"
Posted - 06/08/2008 : 04:52:16
No, not the McGuffin. |

ChocolateLady  "500 Chocolate Delights"
Posted - 06/08/2008 : 13:16:18
I'm thinking some kind of medal of honour, but why I also think of a newspaper, I don't really know.

Beanmimo  "August review site"
Posted - 06/09/2008 : 13:39:42
A bottle of Vichy water? |

Whippersnapper.  "A fourword thinking guy."
Posted - 06/09/2008 : 14:06:42
A beautiful French sheep?

BaftaBaby  "Always entranced by cinema."
Posted - 06/09/2008 : 14:18:00
quote: Originally posted by Beanmimo
A bottle of Vichy water?
PMFJI - I'm sure that's the answer! But lemmy will confirm 

lemmycaution  "Long mired in film"
Posted - 06/09/2008 : 14:33:12
A toast to Beanmimo. |
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