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ChocolateLady  "500 Chocolate Delights"
Posted - 06/19/2008 : 13:27:46
quote: Originally posted by Whippersnapper
quote: Originally posted by wildheartlivie
They're all men.
They all have blue eyes?
Joe Pesci has blue eyes??
You're on the right track here... |

Beanmimo  "August review site"
Posted - 06/19/2008 : 14:14:45
They all have different coloured eyes? |

lemmycaution  "Long mired in film"
Posted - 06/19/2008 : 14:20:01
Are they all left-handed? A wild guess here. |

Whippersnapper.  "A fourword thinking guy."
Posted - 06/19/2008 : 14:35:54
They each have two eyes?
(Hence Peter Falk's exclusion. )

ChocolateLady  "500 Chocolate Delights"
Posted - 06/20/2008 : 11:16:36
quote: Originally posted by Beanmimo
They all have different coloured eyes?
Yes, they all have Heterochromia of the eye, so you win this round, ol' Bean!
(Sorry, my internet was down for a while, and I didn't see your reply until just now.) |
Edited by - ChocolateLady on 06/20/2008 11:18:00 |

BaftaBaby  "Always entranced by cinema."
Posted - 06/20/2008 : 12:26:22
quote: Originally posted by ChocolateLady
quote: Originally posted by Beanmimo
They all have different coloured eyes?
Yes, they all have Heterochromia of the eye, so you win this round, ol' Bean!
(Sorry, my internet was down for a while, and I didn't see your reply until just now.)
Tobey Maguire?!! I doubt this as too many interviewers comment on his "piercing blue eyes" - no matter WHAT widipedia sez!!

ChocolateLady  "500 Chocolate Delights"
Posted - 06/23/2008 : 06:19:48
I heard his isn't that one is one colour and the other is another colour, but that he has more than one colour in his eyes - splotches of brown in his blue eyes. |

Beanmimo  "August review site"
Posted - 06/23/2008 : 14:06:56
Just back from a weekend away give me a day to come up with a question. |

Beanmimo  "August review site"
Posted - 06/24/2008 : 13:57:24
How is Young Frankenstein to Everybody Loves Raymond
Ron Burgandy is to Seinfeld
and what First Name ties the two above answers?

Wheelz  "FWFR%u2019ing like it%u2019s 1999"
Posted - 06/24/2008 : 15:30:41
I'm pretty sure I've found the answer, but I used IMDb to do so.
Let's see if anybody can figure it out without cheating.  |

lemmycaution  "Long mired in film"
Posted - 06/24/2008 : 16:15:14
The Peter Boyle connection in YF & Raymond was pretty easy so I thought father in Seinfeld and got Jerry Stiller who has a cameo in Anchorman.
To be frank, I used IMDb to get the name connection. |

Beanmimo  "August review site"
Posted - 06/24/2008 : 17:08:45
Yup, Lemmy the floor is yours.
Peter Boyle plays Frank Barone Ray's father
Gerry Stiller plays Frank Costanza Georges father in Seinfeld. |

lemmycaution  "Long mired in film"
Posted - 06/24/2008 : 19:32:20
A simple one: what does Harlow's Helen put on in Hell's Angels? |

w22dheartlivie  "Kitty Lover"
Posted - 06/24/2008 : 19:58:10
Something more comfortable? |

rockfsh  "Laugh, Love, Cheer"
Posted - 06/24/2008 : 19:59:49
quote: Originally posted by lemmycaution
A simple one: what does Harlow's Helen put on in Hell's Angels?
A phony accent? |
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