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lemmycaution  "Long mired in film"
Posted - 08/18/2010 : 18:02:51
quote: Originally posted by Top F.W.F.R.ers by Average Votes
No need to thank me, I don't exist.
Thank you Phantom of the Opus. |

randall  "I like to watch."
Posted - 08/18/2010 : 21:27:20
Where are Salopian's reviews? There are some good ones in there! Why didn't they get in the book? I'm so dismayed! |

turrell  "Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhh "
Posted - 08/18/2010 : 21:42:28
quote: Originally posted by randall
Where are Salopian's reviews? There are some good ones in there! Why didn't they get in the book? I'm so dismayed!
If you read the beginning of this thread you will see that Salopian declined for personal reasons to have his reviews included despite having several worthy of inclusion. |

benj clews  "...."
Posted - 08/18/2010 : 23:41:24
I should stress these stats don't really mean much. The included reviews were included because they were against films with at least 3 other great reviews. There are many, many reviews myself and Mike were desperate to get in but couldn't for this reason. In this way, I guess the only thing these stats really show is those of us who review the easier targets (and yes- I count myself amongst this rank . ). |

Sean  "Necrosphenisciform anthropophagist."
Posted - 08/19/2010 : 00:05:52
Looks like someone found an extra one (I got 17 when I counted mine). Guess I'll have to go find it now. 

thefoxboy  "Four your eyes only."
Posted - 08/19/2010 : 01:00:00
woohoo, nice to wake up to 10+ extra reviews in the book that I wasn't aware of. 
Seeing that I have a copy of the book that was damaged in the mail, I started writing notes in it, looks like I can stop now, someone has done all the work.  |

Pope George Ringo  "the Pope on stage"
Posted - 08/21/2010 : 16:58:16
"How Many Reviews I Have in the Book" would make a nice addition to the Stats page.

Yukon  "Co-editor of FWFR book"
Posted - 08/21/2010 : 18:44:48
quote: Originally posted by Top F.W.F.R.ers by Average Votes
No need to thank me, I don't exist.
Thank you, Deep Throat. |

Chris C  "Four words, never backwards."
Posted - 08/22/2010 : 12:20:26
quote: Originally posted by Top F.W.F.R.ers by Average Votes
No need to thank me, I don't exist.
er, no thanks, I think.  |

Sean  "Necrosphenisciform anthropophagist."
Posted - 08/23/2010 : 01:00:29
quote: Originally posted by Se�n
I see modesty is preventing people from overshooting. Another prediction: users will have more reviews in the book than their guesses. 
OK, I've gone through the stats and re-read this thread and it looks like my prediction above was the only prediction here that was even remotely close to accurate. Everyone who guessed their review count in this thread has ended up with FAR more reviews in the book than their guesses. 
Also, it looks like there was a general bias in the book towards the reviews of those who write cleverer reviews (a good thing of course), but even those whose output is more pedestrian got a few of their better ones published. 
So while the book is a good stand-alone representation of fwfr for those who've never heard of the site, it contains a bias towards cleverness and also a bias towards fourum regulars. It's all good. Nice work Benj and Yukon.  |

RockGolf  "1500+ reviews. 1 joke."
Posted - 08/23/2010 : 15:15:04
Wow. I didn't want to put down a predicition, because I would have been really disappointed to have less than 20 reviews in the book. I never dreamed I'd have 75. One shy of noncentz? That's insane!<br> My copy never arrived, so I bought one at Chapter's the first day it was available. They actually had to go to the backroom to fish it out, but I noticed the clerk was leafing through it when she was bringing it out. With a smile. |

BiggerBoat  "Pass me the harpoon"
Posted - 08/23/2010 : 16:47:00
Good to see Whipper with so many in there.
The most underated reviewer on the site. Fact.
Only two of his reviews in the top 500? It's a travesty.
Show this genius some love.

Beanmimo  "August review site"
Posted - 08/23/2010 : 17:56:47
More than happy to see the book has 14 of my reviews.... and my emotional age too!!   |

ChocolateLady  "500 Chocolate Delights"
Posted - 08/24/2010 : 10:53:38
quote: Originally posted by Pope George Ringo
"How Many Reviews I Have in the Book" would make a nice addition to the Stats page.
Actually, this is a really good idea.
If the reviews that are in the book could get some kind of notation to them here on the site, then by using that notation, I'm sure a stat could be worked out.
This would probably also help Benj and Yukon when they go on to do the next edition. They could use that notation to make sure that reviews in the first edition don't also get into the next ones.
Think about it, Benj!

thefoxboy  "Four your eyes only."
Posted - 08/25/2010 : 00:29:04
quote: Originally posted by Pope George Ringo
"How Many Reviews I Have in the Book" would make a nice addition to the Stats page.
You could add your own stat.
Click on 'add' which will take you to the Fourmula generator Name: Number of Pope George Ringo's reviews in the FWFR Book (or something liike that) Classification: Miscellaneous Fourmula: (just put the number of reviews you have)

Anyone that wants that stat will have to make their own, as the total is not automatically generated.
Edit: I just added mine to my page if you wanna look
Edited by - thefoxboy on 08/25/2010 00:35:17 |
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