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"Four your eyes only."

Posted - 11/23/2004 :  01:08:15  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by David St. Hubbins

I'm new here, so I don't quite know the right decorum, but it seems to me someone who points out a review is wrong then posts a smiley after Benj decides to delete it is a complete jerk.

Hey David, welcome to the fourums
Hope to see some reviews of yours soon.
(make sure they aren't wrong, like my snap, crackle..etc)
As your probably aware, there is a backlog that benj is working stick around and take part in some of the weekly fourum games that we play.

Edited by - thefoxboy on 11/23/2004 06:49:24
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"Myself in four words."

Posted - 11/23/2004 :  01:48:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
hey Mr. St Hubbins,

Welcome. Proper decorum is most commonly observed here. This is one of the finer groups of folks on the net. We allow varying opinions, praise and displeasure, and we are indeed an international coalition of folks in favor of levity and brevity.

Several people have met and fallen in love in these forums. I myself have fathered children with three of the women here and one of the men (which would account for Mguyx' scant presence in the forum lately. Missya honey...ok, this joke makes me a bit queasy, no offentz).

You have every right to call someone a complete jerk, though here it's usually more effective to vote for my reviews just to raise their ire.

In other words, welcome to the shortest place on earth!

Edited by - noncentz on 11/23/2004 01:51:12
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"Four ever European"

Posted - 11/23/2004 :  01:55:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Benj, thanks for your take on it. That's pretty much exactly how I look at it.

Sean, I agree that some bending of the facts is insignificant and some is significant. It's just that we will all have different thresholds for this distinction. That was the point of my 'How accurate is accurate enough?' thread (which, it can be noted, I launched without naming reviewers or quoting whole reviews).

It is also interesting to read what you say about the disappointment over approval for a review being withdrawn. I know what you mean, but a few times I have faced up to this possibility and highlighted some of my reviews in contexts where they might then get rejected by benj. As you all know, I am at least as attached to my reviews as anyone else here. However, I am as attached to the declined ones as to any others, and would be happier for a temporarily approved review to go by the wayside for reasons that have been debated than for a review to be rejected without my being able to see a reason at all. Apart from the reason having been discussed, any life for a review is better than no life at all, I would say.

Edited by - Salopian on 11/23/2004 01:57:45
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"Necrosphenisciform anthropophagist."

Posted - 11/23/2004 :  02:45:28  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by noncentz

Several people have met and fallen in love in these forums. I myself have fathered children with three of the women here and one of the men (which would account for Mguyx' scant presence in the forum lately. Missya honey...ok, this joke makes me a bit queasy, no offentz).

It probably makes MguyX a bit queasy, too!

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Pope George Ringo 
"the Pope on stage"

Posted - 11/23/2004 :  05:33:09  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
There's 3 women here?

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"Welcome back, Billy Buck"

Posted - 11/23/2004 :  06:33:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by David St. Hubbins

I'm new here, so I don't quite know the right decorum, but it seems to me someone who points out a review is wrong then posts a smiley after Benj decides to delete it is a complete jerk.

So how am I supposed to respond to this? How about

"Nice to meet you to."

I suppose I could explain why the use of the smiley has been misunderstood but under the circumstances I'd say that's a waste of time. This thread features 10 pages of discussion on this topic and I'm being called a jerk. Doesn't seem particularly fair or in any way kind.

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"I don't get it...."

Posted - 11/23/2004 :  06:37:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The second review on this page is for the remake, not the original, I believe.

*ducks* I feel like I'm not supposed to do this anymore! I'm confused.

Edited by - Tori on 11/23/2004 06:42:45
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"Necrosphenisciform anthropophagist."

Posted - 11/23/2004 :  07:35:00  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by David St. Hubbins

I'm new here, so I don't quite know the right decorum, but it seems to me someone who points out a review is wrong then posts a smiley after Benj decides to delete it is a complete jerk.

Hi there DSH. The fwfr fourum contains plenty of people who have been here for quite a long time, and know each other reasonably well. Downtown and Pope George Ringo are among those, as am I. And most others here in fact.

Downtown is not a complete jerk. He's not even a jerk. In fact he's a good bloke. He probably had no idea anyone would interpret his smiley that way when he posted it. I interpreted the smiley to mean "Ok, so it looks like I was right, as benj agrees with me and has deleted the review, so here's a satisfied smiley to show that it's nice to be right, and is my final comment on the matter, so I'll finish off with a smiley.", and as Downtown is not a man to go on and on about something, he summed all that up in one smiley, and as far as he was concerned it was his final comment on the matter.

Taken in isolation from someone who doesn't know Downtown, it could be taken as an evil gloating laugh at getting someone else's review deleted. I'm very sure that isn't what it was meant to be.

As has been pointed out by others, we are a reasonably close knit bunch of weirdos who like writing very short film reviews, and tend to be nice to each other most of the time. Although humans being what they are, there is the occasional spat, although those aren't too frequent. Welcome to fwfr!

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Conan The Westy 
"Father, Faithful Friend, Fwiffer"

Posted - 11/23/2004 :  08:00:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by David St. Hubbins

I'm new here, so I don't quite know the right decorum, but it seems to me someone who points out a review is wrong then posts a smiley after Benj decides to delete it is a complete jerk.

Complete jerks use the evil smilies
Friendly jerks use the big smilies
and jerks who are kidding around use the winking smilies

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"I like to watch."

Posted - 11/23/2004 :  12:24:10  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by noncentz

Stating that a review is "wrong" in public is a lot more decisive a judgement than giving someone their own chance to correct an apparent error, which they do 9 times out of 10.

Yup, I certainly never would have named the thread this way, but it did not seem efficient to start a separate one.

Now, incredibly, we're back to the cad who started this thread [me], and whether the word "wrong" is wrong. Go back to my very first post, about a review that simply needed to be shifted to another movie, and you'll see that I might have used "mistaken" instead, or "in error." Or anyone suggest another possibility.

For the record, I questioned the use of the term "hung jury" while deliberations were still proceeding, but subsequent posts made me concerned that I might have offended one or more reviewers with this admittedly pedantic line of thought. So I quit posting here. Two very fine reviewers have received PMs from me pointing out errors of fact. You know who you are, and it's up to you what to do with the information. That's as far as I'll go in future, and Salopian, since you said you take offense at PMs, you'll never hear from me on this issue.

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"Returning FWFR Old-Timer"

Posted - 11/23/2004 :  12:26:19  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Since you started the thread, Randall, I'm pretty sure that if you go back to edit your first post you can change the title of the thread... Not that it bothers me at all, but it might stop you from feeling the 'wrong' onus is on you! Just a suggestion.

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"Myself in four words."

Posted - 11/23/2004 :  14:08:08  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It's never fun when your onus hurts.

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Posted - 11/23/2004 :  15:14:31  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Sean

I suppose what I'm getting at is that I've always thought of my reviews as 'there'. I.e, submitted, accepted, posted, and safe on my page with their accumulated votes. It might just take a bit of the enjoyment out of fwfr if reviews are possibly only temporary, as 'marginal' ones could be posted here by someone in a bid to have them reassessed and possibly deleted. I just wouldn't like to see it become 'normal' practice for marginal reviews to be reassessed and perhaps deleted en masse, that's all.

I agree! EM :)
That's one of every smiley.

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benj clews 

Posted - 11/23/2004 :  15:32:29  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Emily Desmond

Originally posted by Sean

I suppose what I'm getting at is that I've always thought of my reviews as 'there'. I.e, submitted, accepted, posted, and safe on my page with their accumulated votes. It might just take a bit of the enjoyment out of fwfr if reviews are possibly only temporary, as 'marginal' ones could be posted here by someone in a bid to have them reassessed and possibly deleted. I just wouldn't like to see it become 'normal' practice for marginal reviews to be reassessed and perhaps deleted en masse, that's all.

I agree! EM :)
That's one of every smiley.

Sorry, but I don't agree.

Whilst I don't actively look for reviews to remove, I'd be the first to admit I make errors and I'd hate to think that I couldn't then decline a review at a later date should I later realise I'm wrong. On the plus side, I like to think this isn't the case with many reviews on the site.

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Posted - 11/23/2004 :  15:48:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by benj clews

Originally posted by Emily Desmond

Originally posted by Sean

I suppose what I'm getting at is that I've always thought of my reviews as 'there'. I.e, submitted, accepted, posted, and safe on my page with their accumulated votes. It might just take a bit of the enjoyment out of fwfr if reviews are possibly only temporary, as 'marginal' ones could be posted here by someone in a bid to have them reassessed and possibly deleted. I just wouldn't like to see it become 'normal' practice for marginal reviews to be reassessed and perhaps deleted en masse, that's all.

I agree! EM :)
That's one of every smiley.

Sorry, but I don't agree.

Whilst I don't actively look for reviews to remove, I'd be the first to admit I make errors and I'd hate to think that I couldn't then decline a review at a later date should I later realise I'm wrong. On the plus side, I like to think this isn't the case with many reviews on the site.

For the most part, Benj, I think you're right. Most of the reviews are accurate.

Of course, ever since I started reading fourum, I've seen threads and postings noting errors. And, until that time, like Sean, I didn't realize a review could be pulled back off of the Approved list.
So, I wrote how I wasn't too keen about that idea. And, that we shouldn't suggest reviews to you that we feel are wrong.

But then, in that thread (Be kind to your fellow reviewers) people said they wanted accuracy.

And now my bringing up a review I thought to be inaccurate, started up a whole bunch of volleys back and forth about NOT doing that, which was my feeling to begin with.

My intent was not to kill another's review, but to make the site better, like everyone in my other thread said. But, you can't do that without appearing like you are trying to kill another's review.

So, it's rock and hard place.

EM :)

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