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benj clews 

Posted - 11/23/2004 :  16:09:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Emily Desmond

Originally posted by benj clews

Originally posted by Emily Desmond

Originally posted by Sean

I suppose what I'm getting at is that I've always thought of my reviews as 'there'. I.e, submitted, accepted, posted, and safe on my page with their accumulated votes. It might just take a bit of the enjoyment out of fwfr if reviews are possibly only temporary, as 'marginal' ones could be posted here by someone in a bid to have them reassessed and possibly deleted. I just wouldn't like to see it become 'normal' practice for marginal reviews to be reassessed and perhaps deleted en masse, that's all.

I agree! EM :)
That's one of every smiley.

Sorry, but I don't agree.

Whilst I don't actively look for reviews to remove, I'd be the first to admit I make errors and I'd hate to think that I couldn't then decline a review at a later date should I later realise I'm wrong. On the plus side, I like to think this isn't the case with many reviews on the site.

For the most part, Benj, I think you're right. Most of the reviews are accurate.

Of course, ever since I started reading fourum, I've seen threads and postings noting errors. And, until that time, like Sean, I didn't realize a review could be pulled back off of the Approved list.
So, I wrote how I wasn't too keen about that idea. And, that we shouldn't suggest reviews to you that we feel are wrong.

But then, in that thread (Be kind to your fellow reviewers) people said they wanted accuracy.

And now my bringing up a review I thought to be inaccurate, started up a whole bunch of volleys back and forth about NOT doing that, which was my feeling to begin with.

My intent was not to kill another's review, but to make the site better, like everyone in my other thread said. But, you can't do that without appearing like you are trying to kill another's review.

So, it's rock and hard place.

EM :)

I think the sooner people realise we're all just trying to keep the accuracy on the site to a certain level the better. Until then, I guess the best advice is to keep schtum or pm me- I'll take full responsibility.

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Evil Giraffe 
"Guess who's back?"

Posted - 11/23/2004 :  16:09:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Man, I don't stray from the Avatar board very often ... and I don't think I will be doing so again soon.

(Apologies for any incorrect grammatical structure not offered)

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Posted - 11/23/2004 :  16:12:31  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by benj clews

I think the sooner people realise we're all just trying to keep the accuracy on the site to a certain level the better. Until then, I guess the best advice is to keep schtum or pm me- I'll take full responsibility.


EM :)

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"Welcome back, Billy Buck"

Posted - 11/23/2004 :  18:07:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Sean
I interpreted the smiley to mean "Ok, so it looks like I was right, as benj agrees with me and has deleted the review, so here's a satisfied smiley to show that it's nice to be right, and is my final comment on the matter, so I'll finish off with a smiley.", and as Downtown is not a man to go on and on about something, he summed all that up in one smiley, and as far as he was concerned it was his final comment on the matter.

You got the jist of it.

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"Four ever European"

Posted - 11/23/2004 :  18:55:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Randall

Now, incredibly, we're back to the cad who started this thread [me], and whether the word "wrong" is wrong. Go back to my very first post, about a review that simply needed to be shifted to another movie, and you'll see that I might have used "mistaken" instead, or "in error." Or anyone suggest another possibility.

Sorry - I wasn't clear. I did not mean that whoever started this thread (and I did not remember who) should not have used "wrong", as I remembered that it did not begin with one of the sort of level-of-accuracy cases we have been discussing. I meant that if I had started a thread about the latter, I would not have used "wrong" for that subject. But since this thread had already metamorphosed into it, I did not think it would make sense for me to start a new one while other people posted about similar issues here.

Edited by - Salopian on 11/24/2004 14:25:27
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"Myself in four words."

Posted - 11/23/2004 :  19:23:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
So in review:

1.) We all appreciate and respect each other.

2.) We all want the site to continually improve and evolve.

3.) We should take whatever approach we deem fit to correct questionable reviews.

4.) We shouldn't make the hunt for inaccurate reviews a full-time occupation.

5.) Downtown uses smileys because of a personality flaw.

6.) While we may advise or denote, Benj is the final judge of what is right or what is inaccurate, and in being so, reserves the right to admit his own lack of international sports knowledge.

7.) WRONG is a five letter word (though honestly, we don't disown people for using it).

8.) Whenever anything bothers you, vote for one of my reviews.

9.) We all have different histories and experiences and passions and we carry those with us into FWFR. What might feel right to one may not to another.

10.) I don't have a 10th item, but it's sich a nice number.

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Posted - 11/23/2004 :  19:32:09  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by noncentz

8.) Whenever anything bothers you, vote for one of my reviews.

Liked how you snuck this one in.

I did vote for one or two of your reviews today. Caught them while I was hunting around for other people's reviews to suggest to Benj for termination. (JUST KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!)

EM :)

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"Welcome back, Billy Buck"

Posted - 11/23/2004 :  20:43:09  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by noncentz

So in review:

5.) Downtown uses smileys because of a personality flaw.

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"I like to watch."

Posted - 11/23/2004 :  21:54:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by AussieCanuck

Since you started the thread, Randall, I'm pretty sure that if you go back to edit your first post you can change the title of the thread... Not that it bothers me at all, but it might stop you from feeling the 'wrong' onus is on you! Just a suggestion.

Don't wanna get all onal-retentive by changing the thread title after the fact [and blowing the minds of unsuspecting newbies who might stumble upon it later!].

But just between all of the good FWFRs who have posted here, let's pretend the thread is called, "Fluffy Bunnies Who Hop Happily."

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"Myself in four words."

Posted - 11/23/2004 :  22:31:45  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
That's just like you to call them bunnies when you know they're hares.

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"Still reviewing, but slowly."

Posted - 11/23/2004 :  22:48:08  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Besides, they don't hop. I mean, who ever heard of a hare standing on one leg and jumping?

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"Four your eyes only."

Posted - 11/23/2004 :  23:12:01  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by sbudgie

Besides, they don't hop. I mean, who ever heard of a hare standing on one leg and jumping?

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"I like to watch."

Posted - 11/24/2004 :  11:52:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
You guys are hilarious! No wonder this site rocks! Er, stones?

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"Four ever European"

Posted - 11/28/2004 :  20:19:48  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Bambi in this film is (perhaps) a fawn. He isn't a faun. Isn't that what Mr. So-and-so is in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (and probably a Greek mythological creature or some such thing too)?

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"Returning FWFR Old-Timer"

Posted - 11/28/2004 :  20:32:12  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Surely this problem could have been fixed with a personal message, particularly since the reviewer in question remains very active. I don't see how this public outing to highlight sloppy spelling assists anyone at all.

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