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RockGolf  "1500+ reviews. 1 joke."
Posted - 12/20/2004 : 15:58:46
I'm probably going to sound anal retentative here, but that's par for this thread.
Koli's review of Julius Caesar is "Ends with Julius seizure". It doesn't. Caesar's assassination occurs in Act III, Scene I. The play ends in Act V, Scene V, so Julius' "end" is about halfway thru. Most of the play is about the post-assassination politics between Brutus and Marc Anthony. I'd accept "Julius ends in seizure", or "Brutus causes Julius seizure" but not as written.

Downtown  "Welcome back, Billy Buck"
Posted - 12/20/2004 : 18:08:23
quote: Originally posted by Rockgolf say Ho! Ho! Ho!
I'm probably going to sound anal retentative here, but that's par for this thread.
Koli's review of Julius Caesar is "Ends with Julius seizure". It doesn't. Caesar's assassination occurs in Act III, Scene I. The play ends in Act V, Scene V, so Julius' "end" is about halfway thru. Most of the play is about the post-assassination politics between Brutus and Marc Anthony. I'd accept "Julius ends in seizure", or "Brutus causes Julius seizure" but not as written.
Ah, but it could be interpreted as correct! At the end of Act V, Scene IV, Brutus exclaims: "O Julius Caesar, thou art mighty yet! Thy spirit walks abroad, and turns our swords In our own proper entrails," referring to his ghost that is essentially inspiring the conspirators to commit suicide one by one. Whether he's really appearing to them or if they're experiencing a shared hallucination, I'd say they're being "seized" by something.
Maybe it's a bit of a stretch, but it occured to me immediately as a possible interpretation.
Edited by - Downtown on 12/20/2004 18:09:08 |

RockGolf  "1500+ reviews. 1 joke."
Posted - 12/20/2004 : 20:37:19
It's Christmas. I'll buy it.

Stalean  "Back...OMG"

benj clews  "...."
Posted - 12/21/2004 : 00:51:59
quote: Originally posted by StaLean
I found this one for "Mytic River"
"Childhood friend kills daughter"
This is not correct.
Quite right- declined now.

noncentz  "Myself in four words."
Posted - 12/21/2004 : 17:53:21
Would that have worked with a question mark at the end of it?

benj clews  "...."
Posted - 12/21/2004 : 21:14:57
quote: Originally posted by noncentz
Would that have worked with a question mark at the end of it?
Guess it would have, but would that be changing the intention of the review?

Sludge  "Charlie Don't Serf!"
Posted - 12/21/2004 : 23:22:42
In one of my reviews for The Alamo, I put
Boone Fiddles, Alamo Burns
It should read "Crockett" not Boone - thanks to Conan for pointing it out to me.
Sorry bout that.
Sludge |

benj clews  "...."
Posted - 12/21/2004 : 23:25:44
quote: Originally posted by Sludge
In one of my reviews for The Alamo, I put
Boone Fiddles, Alamo Burns
It should read "Crockett" not Boone - thanks to Conan for pointing it out to me.
Sorry bout that.

Salopian  "Four ever European"
Posted - 12/25/2004 : 19:57:12
Chocolat is on and so I have just had a thought about a certain review here which I have in fact voted on. The review is probably fine, but I just wanted to point out that Depp at al are referred to as pirates in Chocolat, too. Are they in any sense actually pirates? Probably not, but not quite sure. Perhaps I'll just submit "Depp's 3rd pirate movie" in addition!

Stalean  "Back...OMG"
Posted - 12/26/2004 : 05:46:48
This review is on the Top 20, but Gilbert Grape was played by Johnny Depp not Leonardo DiCaprio (Arnie Grape).
Catch Me If You Can (2002) Who's chasing Gilbert Grape?

Downtown  "Welcome back, Billy Buck"
Posted - 12/29/2004 : 22:46:05
No offense to HeroZero, but I'm afraid he's gone over the four word limit here:
How do I know this? Because I've tried hyphenating "sweet-tooth" in the past, too, and my reviews were rejected as "more than four words." Believing that benj had made a mistake I looked it up in the dictionary and confirmed that it is indeed two words.
However, I'd suggest editing the review instead of deleting it. Perhaps "Sweet tooth pays off!" would do?

benj clews  "...."
Posted - 12/30/2004 : 01:14:25
quote: Originally posted by Downtown
No offense to HeroZero, but I'm afraid he's gone over the four word limit here:
How do I know this? Because I've tried hyphenating "sweet-tooth" in the past, too, and my reviews were rejected as "more than four words." Believing that benj had made a mistake I looked it up in the dictionary and confirmed that it is indeed two words.
However, I'd suggest editing the review instead of deleting it. Perhaps "Sweet tooth pays off!" would do?

Sludge  "Charlie Don't Serf!"
Posted - 01/06/2005 : 06:20:05
Bullets returned to Wal-Mart. Bowling for Columbine.
Based on memory and a couple of other reviews, it should be K-Mart, unless DavidMcO is weighing in super-subtly with an opinion on the film's accuracy. |

Evil Giraffe  "Guess who's back?"
Posted - 01/06/2005 : 08:42:50
AC's review for Fools Rush In is a vowel out. It's Salma not Selma. Although I'd by happy with either Salma or Selma, to be honest!
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