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benj clews  "...."
Posted - 01/06/2005 : 10:24:15
quote: Originally posted by Sludge
Bullets returned to Wal-Mart. Bowling for Columbine.
Based on memory and a couple of other reviews, it should be K-Mart, unless DavidMcO is weighing in super-subtly with an opinion on the film's accuracy.
Seems to be general confusion over whether it's Wal-Mart of K-Mart on the interweb. About the only one I'm willing to trust is Michael Moore's own site, ( which seems to say it's... Wal-Mart.

benj clews  "...."
Posted - 01/06/2005 : 10:24:32
quote: Originally posted by Evil Giraffe
AC's review for Fools Rush In is a vowel out. It's Salma not Selma. Although I'd by happy with either Salma or Selma, to be honest!

Josh the cat  "ice wouldn't melt, you'd think ....."
Posted - 01/06/2005 : 11:36:56
This is one that made me think in the movie the statue of liberty of iced up to the wrist but the audience is given the impression that is how deep the ice is not that it has been destroyed
the user is anonymous and it is last but one review what do ya all think - wrong? I belive so!
josh the cat

benj clews  "...."
Posted - 01/06/2005 : 11:54:14
quote: Originally posted by Josh the cat
This is one that made me think in the movie the statue of liberty of iced up to the wrist but the audience is given the impression that is how deep the ice is not that it has been destroyed
the user is anonymous and it is last but one review what do ya all think - wrong? I believe so!
josh the cat
Could potentially be slightly generic too- removed it now.

Downtown  "Welcome back, Billy Buck"

Stalean  "Back...OMG"
Posted - 01/07/2005 : 01:13:14
quote: Originally posted by Downtown
Incorrect use of hyphen:
Sorry kolo, but con men is two words.
It could be changed to 'cons' easily enough without losing any meaning instead of simply deleting the review. 

Downtown  "Welcome back, Billy Buck"
Posted - 01/07/2005 : 01:16:05
Excellent idea.

bife  "Winners never quit ... fwfr ... "

Sludge  "Charlie Don't Serf!"

Tori  "I don't get it...."
Posted - 01/08/2005 : 03:23:36
"Snobby Stiles's Shakespeare send-up." For "10 things I hate about you". Doesn't Julia Stiles have quite a few Shakespeare movies? Or am I missing something?

AC  "Returning FWFR Old-Timer"
Posted - 01/08/2005 : 03:30:59
She's in '10 Things', 'O', 'Hamlet', to name three. However, '10 Things' is the only one where she's snobby, and is one of two 'send-ups', or adaptations, of Shakespeare's works that she has done. She's a lot more likeable in 'O'. I think the review is apt.

Tori  "I don't get it...."
Posted - 01/08/2005 : 03:43:54
quote: Originally posted by AC
She's in '10 Things', 'O', 'Hamlet', to name three. However, '10 Things' is the only one where she's snobby, and is one of two 'send-ups', or adaptations, of Shakespeare's works that she has done. She's a lot more likeable in 'O'. I think the review is apt.
Oh, thanks! It was the send up part that I didn't get. Thanks!

Sean  "Necrosphenisciform anthropophagist."
Posted - 01/08/2005 : 08:21:39
Sludge, I also remember it as being K-mart. 

Kruegerbait  "Not known as Joss"
Posted - 01/08/2005 : 15:30:19
quote: Originally posted by Sean
Sludge, I also remember it as being K-mart. 
I've just watched the film again to help sort out any confusion. Wal-mart is mentioned a lot in the film, he even buys bullets from there, however he takes the two wounded people to K-mart headquarters. He also meets the vice president of K-mart and hands over the same bullets that are in the two students, k-mart then annonuce that they will phase out the sale of handgun ammunition within the next 90 days. I hope that helps clear things up a little. 

Koli  "Striving lackadaisically for perfection."
Posted - 01/08/2005 : 15:47:15
Call me picky, but isn't the following review for Shaun of the Dead (2004)five words?
"Shaun shoots his zombie mommy."
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