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benj clews  "...."
Posted - 06/14/2005 : 13:13:14
quote: Originally posted by Cheese_Ed
There are a bunch of reviews for Pitch Black that refer to Vin Diesel as blind.
I don't know where that idea came from, if anything he's the opposite of blind. He's supersensitive to light which is why he wears sunglasses in the day and can see fine in darkness.
Think I've fixed them all- ta'

Cheese_Ed  "The Provolone Ranger"
Posted - 06/14/2005 : 22:44:20
quote: Originally posted by benj clews
quote: Originally posted by Cheese_Ed
There are a bunch of reviews for Pitch Black that refer to Vin Diesel as blind.
I don't know where that idea came from, if anything he's the opposite of blind. He's supersensitive to light which is why he wears sunglasses in the day and can see fine in darkness.
Think I've fixed them all- ta'
I still see some there benj: Diesel plays space 'Daredevil'. Bat blind beefcake bails.
Can I also nominate one for being generic: Gravel voiced Diesel awesome.
And one for a spelling correction: Vin bins scaley aliens. Scaly has no E.

benj clews  "...."
Posted - 06/14/2005 : 23:03:53
quote: Originally posted by Cheese_Ed
quote: Originally posted by benj clews
quote: Originally posted by Cheese_Ed
There are a bunch of reviews for Pitch Black that refer to Vin Diesel as blind.
I don't know where that idea came from, if anything he's the opposite of blind. He's supersensitive to light which is why he wears sunglasses in the day and can see fine in darkness.
Think I've fixed them all- ta'
I still see some there benj: Diesel plays space 'Daredevil'. Bat blind beefcake bails.
Can I also nominate one for being generic: Gravel voiced Diesel awesome.
And one for a spelling correction: Vin bins scaley aliens. Scaly has no E.
Fixed them all, cheers.

Tori  "I don't get it...."
Posted - 06/17/2005 : 20:17:58
Anakin's footloose, fiancee free. for Revenge of the Sith
Maybe I'm missing something here, but Anakin was married, not engaged to Padme. Is there another fiancee that I'm forgetting about?

Downtown  "Welcome back, Billy Buck"
Posted - 06/17/2005 : 21:00:22
quote: Originally posted by Tori
Anakin's footloose, fiancee free. for Revenge of the Sith
Maybe I'm missing something here, but Anakin was married, not engaged to Padme. Is there another fiancee that I'm forgetting about?
You are entirely correct. They were secretly married in Attack of the Clones (final scene). They're already married at the beginning of Revenge of the Sith.

Downtown  "Welcome back, Billy Buck"
Posted - 06/18/2005 : 07:18:59
Reviews of Night of the Living Dead (the original) that refer to zombies eating brains are incorrect. That was a running gag from Return of the Living Dead, a totally unrelated movie. The film did establish the zombie movie rule that shooting them in the brain would kill them, but there's nothing about eating brains.
But they're good reviews if they're moved to the right film. I even voted for one of them already because it was funny.

TitanPa  "Here four more"
Posted - 06/21/2005 : 20:23:49
I was told to tell about the 'Masters Of the Universe' review in here.
::Copied:: How comes StaLeans 'Masters of the Universe' review passed with She-Ra in it and mine didnt even pass? She isnt even in the movie as I was told again and again. Benj rejected mine months ago. So now the MERPS are accepting this???? Oye Vey!!!!!!!!! The things I deal with. hehe. and as I always say...THoughts?????

Fenni Fentu 
Posted - 06/21/2005 : 21:18:39
quote: Originally posted by Titanpa
I was told to tell about the 'Masters Of the Universe' review in here.
::Copied:: How comes StaLeans 'Masters of the Universe' review passed with She-Ra in it and mine didnt even pass? She isnt even in the movie as I was told again and again. Benj rejected mine months ago. So now the MERPS are accepting this???? Oye Vey!!!!!!!!! The things I deal with. hehe. and as I always say...THoughts?????
His review would fit quite well as the review for "The Secret of the Sword," the animated film which (I believe) came before even the She-ra animated series.

Downtown  "Welcome back, Billy Buck"
Posted - 06/21/2005 : 22:46:15
Maybe it introduced the series.
I was a big fan of He-man and the Masters of the Universe but I wasn't interested in She-ra (Xena to his Hercules). Was She-ra supposed to appeal to the same boys that liked He-man, or was it an attempt to get girls to buy action figures?
The He-man movie was almost as exciting as buying insurance. Almost.

benj clews  "...."
Posted - 06/21/2005 : 23:55:30
quote: Originally posted by Downtown
I was a big fan of He-man and the Masters of the Universe but I wasn't interested in She-ra (Xena to his Hercules). Was She-ra supposed to appeal to the same boys that liked He-man, or was it an attempt to get girls to buy action figures?
Definitely one for the girls- they had flowing hair and combs. Think Mattel were trying the whole My Little Pony angle there.
The He-man movie was almost as exciting as buying insurance. Almost.
True- I still wish I'd had chance to see the stage show, though...

Animal Mutha  "Who would've thunk it?"
Posted - 06/22/2005 : 00:03:51
That's the gayest thing I've ever seen, look at Grizlor for God's sake, He looks like the cowardly lion or something. I've heard rumours that show had homosexual undertones and this only goes to confirm it. Oh the innocence of chilhood, we couldn't see anything wrong with characters such as Ram-man and even worse... Fisto! That cartoon has warped my fragile little mind.
Edited by - Animal Mutha on 06/22/2005 00:05:12 |

Downtown  "Welcome back, Billy Buck"
Posted - 06/22/2005 : 00:41:55
That freaky chick that lived in Castle Greyskull was pretty butch.

Conan The Westy  "Father, Faithful Friend, Fwiffer"
Posted - 06/22/2005 : 11:49:46
What about the children's series Captain Pugwash with Master Bates, Seaman Staines and Roger the cabin boy? 
Edited by - Conan The Westy on 06/22/2005 11:52:08 |

benj clews  "...."
Posted - 06/22/2005 : 12:14:59
quote: Originally posted by Conan the Tripod
What about the children's series Captain Pugwash with Master Bates, Seaman Staines and Roger the cabin boy? 
Sorry to disappoint, but it's all a big myth...

Downtown  "Welcome back, Billy Buck"
Posted - 06/22/2005 : 15:46:50
quote: Originally posted by Downtown
Reviews of Night of the Living Dead (the original) that refer to zombies eating brains are incorrect. That was a running gag from Return of the Living Dead, a totally unrelated movie. The film did establish the zombie movie rule that shooting them in the brain would kill them, but there's nothing about eating brains.
But they're good reviews if they're moved to the right film. I even voted for one of them already because it was funny.
They're still just as wrong as they were last week.
Edit: just for the record, I'm not worried about this because I'm such a stickler for the fwfr rules...I care a lot about this one because I don't want people confusing the two films. Night of the Living Dead is a classic. It's just great film. It's one of the greatest horror films ever, and it could possibly the scariest movie ever made (I don't know about you but I felt like I was trapped inside that house, too...and when they went into the basement and couldn't find the girl? ) Return of the Living Dead was a joke, and not a very good one. It's not a sequel. It has no connection to Romero's masterpiece. |
Edited by - Downtown on 06/22/2005 15:52:49 |
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