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Conan The Westy  "Father, Faithful Friend, Fwiffer"
Posted - 06/22/2005 : 21:18:01
quote: Originally posted by benj clews
quote: Originally posted by Conan the Tripod
What about the children's series Captain Pugwash with Master Bates, Seaman Staines and Roger the cabin boy? 
Sorry to disappoint, but it's all a big myth...

Sean  "Necrosphenisciform anthropophagist."
Posted - 06/23/2005 : 00:02:12
quote: Originally posted by Downtown
quote: Originally posted by Downtown
Reviews of Night of the Living Dead (the original) that refer to zombies eating brains are incorrect. That was a running gag from Return of the Living Dead, a totally unrelated movie. The film did establish the zombie movie rule that shooting them in the brain would kill them, but there's nothing about eating brains.
But they're good reviews if they're moved to the right film. I even voted for one of them already because it was funny.
They're still just as wrong as they were last week.
Edit: just for the record, I'm not worried about this because I'm such a stickler for the fwfr rules...I care a lot about this one because I don't want people confusing the two films. Night of the Living Dead is a classic. It's just great film. It's one of the greatest horror films ever, and it could possibly the scariest movie ever made (I don't know about you but I felt like I was trapped inside that house, too...and when they went into the basement and couldn't find the girl? ) Return of the Living Dead was a joke, and not a very good one. It's not a sequel. It has no connection to Romero's masterpiece.
Ok ok, now I'll have to see it. 

GHcool  "Forever a curious character."
Posted - 06/25/2005 : 05:59:12
"Big mind, little body." for Big.
Shouldn't that be reversed?
Edited by - GHcool on 06/25/2005 05:59:49 |

Fresno  "Back from the dead"
Posted - 06/25/2005 : 07:28:47
quote: Originally posted by GHcool
"Big mind, little body." for Big.
Shouldn't that be reversed?
Now THAT'S funny!!!


benj clews  "...."
Posted - 06/25/2005 : 15:10:20
quote: Originally posted by GHcool
"Big mind, little body." for Big.
Shouldn't that be reversed?

Tori  "I don't get it...."

benj clews  "...."
Posted - 06/25/2005 : 20:27:37
quote: Originally posted by Tori
There are a few reviews for Air Bud: World Pup that are incorrect, the dog is a golden retriever, not a cocker spaniel.
Decided to let this slide in the name of a good pun or two- they're both kinds of dogs and this is almost like the "What type of cereal was it in 'Honey I Shrunk The Kids'?" debate, although granted the dog is the central premise to the film here- just not the variety of the dog so much. I can't think of any other films that have a football-playing dog (of any variety).
Also, Mighty Ducks 4 has been scrapped.
Good Lord no! What will we do without another Mighty Ducks film?
Fixed now- very admirable of you to point this out too, Tori, since you lost a review here also 

bife  "Winners never quit ... fwfr ... "
Posted - 06/25/2005 : 20:44:26
Looks like my review was spot on then - "Four ducks sake, no"
Very unhappy at losing a good review - very happy that I wont ever have to watch the film!

Tori  "I don't get it...."
Posted - 06/25/2005 : 20:59:02
quote: Originally posted by benj clews
quote: Originally posted by Tori
There are a few reviews for Air Bud: World Pup that are incorrect, the dog is a golden retriever, not a cocker spaniel.
Decided to let this slide in the name of a good pun or two- they're both kinds of dogs and this is almost like the "What type of cereal was it in 'Honey I Shrunk The Kids'?" debate, although granted the dog is the central premise to the film here- just not the variety of the dog so much. I can't think of any other films that have a football-playing dog (of any variety).
Also, Mighty Ducks 4 has been scrapped.
Good Lord no! What will we do without another Mighty Ducks film?
Fixed now- very admirable of you to point this out too, Tori, since you lost a review here also 
I understand about the Air Bud reviews...I voted for some of the 'offenders' right before I posted this here. :)
About the Mighty Ducks page, I'm embarrassed to admit that I've known for about a week or so but didn't want to tell because I'd lose two or three reviews. My conscience got the better of me in the end.
Edited by - Tori on 06/26/2005 00:32:01 |

roger_thornhill  "'scuse me while I disappear..."
Posted - 06/27/2005 : 15:40:20
I don't claim to have an infallible memory but shouldn't noncentz's review Scream becomes train whistle be for The 39 Steps -- where a scream becomes a train whistle early in the film -- and not for The Lady Vanishes?

benj clews  "...."
Posted - 06/27/2005 : 17:12:22
quote: Originally posted by george_kaplan
I don't claim to have an infallible memory but shouldn't noncentz's review Scream becomes train whistle be for The 39 Steps -- where a scream becomes a train whistle early in the film -- and not for The Lady Vanishes?
I don't know about this, to be honest. Can anyone (or even the big guy himself) verify this?

randall  "I like to watch."
Posted - 06/27/2005 : 20:38:14
quote: Originally posted by benj clews
quote: Originally posted by george_kaplan
I don't claim to have an infallible memory but shouldn't noncentz's review Scream becomes train whistle be for The 39 Steps -- where a scream becomes a train whistle early in the film -- and not for The Lady Vanishes?
I don't know about this, to be honest. Can anyone (or even the big guy himself) verify this?
Don't know about 39 Steps, but I'm almost sure it happens in The Lady Vanishes. Sorry, kap...
EDIT: Sorry again, kap. You're right. But so is noncentz. I just did a little checking, and it happens in both films! Hitch deliberately repeated himself.
Edited by - randall on 06/27/2005 20:41:08 |

benj clews  "...."
Posted - 06/27/2005 : 21:04:40
quote: Originally posted by Randall
quote: Originally posted by benj clews
quote: Originally posted by george_kaplan
I don't claim to have an infallible memory but shouldn't noncentz's review Scream becomes train whistle be for The 39 Steps -- where a scream becomes a train whistle early in the film -- and not for The Lady Vanishes?
I don't know about this, to be honest. Can anyone (or even the big guy himself) verify this?
Don't know about 39 Steps, but I'm almost sure it happens in The Lady Vanishes. Sorry, kap...
EDIT: Sorry again, kap. You're right. But so is noncentz. I just did a little checking, and it happens in both films! Hitch deliberately repeated himself.
Does this also mean all the joke(s) in the Police Academy films were self-referential works of genius?

Sean  "Necrosphenisciform anthropophagist."
Posted - 06/28/2005 : 01:08:58
Shall I submit it for The 39 Steps, or am I too late? 
Edited by - Sean on 06/28/2005 01:09:48 |

TitanPa  "Here four more"
Posted - 06/28/2005 : 17:19:18
Randall's review for The Complete Works Of William Shakespeare (Abridged) could be mistaken for 'The Fifteen Minute Hamlet'
Edit: I know its in todays top reviews...So maybe it gets moved and not erased? |
Edited by - TitanPa on 06/28/2005 17:21:03 |
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