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Downtown  "Welcome back, Billy Buck"
Posted - 07/05/2005 : 17:56:22
quote: Originally posted by george_kaplan
I noticed this one because it's actually FYC this week. "Spawn of the Dead" for Son of Frankenstein: amusing but inaccurate. The movie is about the son of Dr. Frankenstein, not about the son of the Frankenstein monster.
A misconception that dates back to "The Bride of Frankenstein." Because of that title, people started confusing Frankenstein's Monster with Frankenstein.

randall  "I like to watch."
Posted - 07/05/2005 : 18:44:18
quote: Originally posted by Downtown
quote: Originally posted by george_kaplan
I noticed this one because it's actually FYC this week. "Spawn of the Dead" for Son of Frankenstein: amusing but inaccurate. The movie is about the son of Dr. Frankenstein, not about the son of the Frankenstein monster.
A misconception that dates back to "The Bride of Frankenstein." Because of that title, people started confusing Frankenstein's Monster with Frankenstein.
And you can get most "knowledgeable" movie fans to start counting in their heads when you ask, "In how many movies did Boris Karloff play Frankenstein?" The correct answer is one: FRANKENSTEIN 1970 [as documented in my fwfr of the movie]. In all the other movies, of course, he plays Frankenstein's Monster.
Edited by - randall on 07/05/2005 18:45:55 |

roger_thornhill  "'scuse me while I disappear..."
Posted - 07/05/2005 : 19:28:44
Wow, that's good trivia. Even the film savant would probably smile smugly and say "None."
I've given a vote to your Frankenstein - 1970 review.
Cheers, Kap |
Edited by - roger_thornhill on 07/05/2005 19:30:19 |

randall  "I like to watch."
Posted - 07/05/2005 : 19:39:44
quote: Originally posted by george_kaplan
Wow, that's good trivia. Even the film savant would probably smile smugly and say "None."
I've given a vote to your Frankenstein - 1970 review.
Cheers, Kap
Yep, it's even more fun to fool an avowed expert. Thank god for imdb, because I used to face incredulous people who wanted proof. Now it's easy.
Thanks for the nod.

roger_thornhill  "'scuse me while I disappear..."
Posted - 07/07/2005 : 05:14:07
Tori's review of Pygmalion -- My Fair Lady's prequel -- is wrong.
Benj, could you fix this review along with the Son of Frankenstein review? |
Edited by - roger_thornhill on 07/07/2005 05:14:51 |

thefoxboy  "Four your eyes only."
Posted - 07/07/2005 : 06:18:07
quote: Originally posted by george_kaplan
Tori's review of Pygmalion -- My Fair Lady's prequel -- is wrong.
Benj, could you fix this review along with the Son of Frankenstein review?
Hey g_k, You may want to tell benj why you say it is wrong. btw, your avatar is from one of my favourite movies 

AC  "Returning FWFR Old-Timer"
Posted - 07/07/2005 : 06:33:58
Because Pygmalion isn't a prequel, it's the original version of the story that MFL was adapted from.

Conan The Westy  "Father, Faithful Friend, Fwiffer"
Posted - 07/07/2005 : 07:38:39
She could change it to Pygmalion with singing if there aren't any there like that.

benj clews  "...."
Posted - 07/07/2005 : 09:46:07
quote: Originally posted by george_kaplan
Tori's review of Pygmalion -- My Fair Lady's prequel -- is wrong.
Benj, could you fix this review along with the Son of Frankenstein review?
Both now declined- ta'

roger_thornhill  "'scuse me while I disappear..."
Posted - 07/07/2005 : 16:30:35
Both now declined- ta'
Thanks Benj. You should also take a look here:
Several reviews (including a brand-new one) falsely state that Jason kills Kevin Bacon, breaks in machete, etc. It's his mother who 'done' it.
Edited by - roger_thornhill on 07/07/2005 18:37:50 |

Tori  "I don't get it...."
Posted - 07/07/2005 : 18:53:20
quote: Originally posted by AC
Because Pygmalion isn't a prequel, it's the original version of the story that MFL was adapted from.
That's what I was going to say. I knew it wasn't really a prequel, I was just trying to draw a correlation between the two. *bows head*

The General  "Forty? What? Me? How?."
Posted - 07/07/2005 : 19:30:02
quote: Originally posted by george_kaplan
Both now declined- ta'
Thanks Benj. You should also take a look here:
Several reviews (including a brand-new one) falsely state that Jason kills Kevin Bacon, breaks in machete, etc. It's his mother who 'done' it.
Whoops! One of those reviews (the breaks in machete) is mine. Thanks for catching this. I've changed the review to "Jason's Mum's Freaky Friday."

AC  "Returning FWFR Old-Timer"
Posted - 07/07/2005 : 19:36:33
Aww, dammit! I only just got that Slashers Machete accolade! Okay, I'll be happy to see it deleted so long as Benj could possibly re-post my replacement review, in my pending list now. Please? I hate losing accolades like this.  

benj clews  "...."
Posted - 07/07/2005 : 19:41:16
quote: Originally posted by AC
Aww, dammit! I only just got that Slashers Machete accolade! Okay, I'll be happy to see it deleted so long as Benj could possibly re-post my replacement review, in my pending list now. Please? I hate losing accolades like this.  
Should be there again now 

AC  "Returning FWFR Old-Timer"
Posted - 07/07/2005 : 19:47:18
Thanks Benj, you're awesome. Deleted my incorrect one now.
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