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AC  "Returning FWFR Old-Timer"
Posted - 06/28/2005 : 18:00:22
But it works better for the film it's currently on, since The Complete Works includes a One Minute Hamlet and a Backwards Hamlet, amongst others.

randall  "I like to watch."
Posted - 06/28/2005 : 18:58:45
I agree with AC on this one.
I haven't seen the movie so can't say for sure,, but isn't godspellgroupie incorrect on this one? I thought it was a Jazz player they kidnapped.

roger_thornhill  "'scuse me while I disappear..."
Posted - 06/28/2005 : 20:54:27
quote: Don't know about 39 Steps, but I'm almost sure it happens in The Lady Vanishes. Sorry, kap...
EDIT: Sorry again, kap. You're right. But so is noncentz. I just did a little checking, and it happens in both films! Hitch deliberately repeated himself.
Glad to be mistaken! And interesting trivia, too. Alas, my pedantic browsing finger has led me to another error: Joel Bass writes of The General that "Engingeer saves train, Union". But Buster plays a Rebel in that movie, not a Yankee.
I am a big fan of Joel's reviews, btw. I love his review of AOTC: "Lucas poops, everyone applauds."
Cheers, Kappy
Edited by - roger_thornhill on 06/28/2005 21:00:48 |

AC  "Returning FWFR Old-Timer"
Posted - 06/28/2005 : 21:49:43
MF's Thunderbirds review uses Shakespeare as many do: completely incorrectly. 'Wherefore' doesn't mean 'where', it means 'why', rendering the review nonsensical.
Edited by - AC on 06/28/2005 22:36:23 |

Downtown  "Welcome back, Billy Buck"
Posted - 06/28/2005 : 22:56:39
quote: Originally posted by AC
MF's Thunderbirds review uses Shakespeare as many do: completely incorrectly. 'Wherefore' doesn't mean 'where', it means 'why', rendering the review nonsensical.
I suppose it could be fixed the same way my "Return of the Living Dead" review was fixed, but I'm not sure if it would turn out as good.

randall  "I like to watch."
Posted - 06/29/2005 : 00:08:50
quote: Originally posted by george_kaplan
quote: Don't know about 39 Steps, but I'm almost sure it happens in The Lady Vanishes. Sorry, kap...
EDIT: Sorry again, kap. You're right. But so is noncentz. I just did a little checking, and it happens in both films! Hitch deliberately repeated himself.
Glad to be mistaken! And interesting trivia, too. Alas, my pedantic browsing finger has led me to another error: Joel Bass writes of The General that "Engingeer saves train, Union". But Buster plays a Rebel in that movie, not a Yankee.
I am a big fan of Joel's reviews, btw. I love his review of AOTC: "Lucas poops, everyone applauds."
Cheers, Kappy
Kap, I just have to say this: I like your style.

TitanPa  "Here four more"
Posted - 06/29/2005 : 04:04:32
Tori's new review for Oliver & Comoany, made me think of 'All Dogs Go To Heaven'
or am I mistaken?

Tori  "I don't get it...."
Posted - 06/29/2005 : 05:18:37
quote: Originally posted by Titanpa
Tori's new review for Oliver & Comoany, made me think of 'All Dogs Go To Heaven'
or am I mistaken?
IMDB says that in "All Dogs", the orphan helps the dog, not the other way around. And I haven't seen it in so long, I have no idea if the dog sings or not. If you (or someone else) has seen it recently and can help me out to make my reviews more specific to the correct movies, I'd appreciate it. :)
Edited by - Tori on 06/29/2005 05:22:53 |

roger_thornhill  "'scuse me while I disappear..."
Posted - 06/29/2005 : 05:54:36
Kap, I just have to say this: I like your style.
Thanks, Randall.

randall  "I like to watch."
Posted - 07/01/2005 : 12:27:14
rri1 is mistaken here. Ron Howard ["Opie" from the Andy Griffith TV show] doesn't edit the paper; he directed the movie.

Downtown  "Welcome back, Billy Buck"
Posted - 07/02/2005 : 15:59:19
With the exception of a couple that refer to zombies, the vast majority of Cheese's reviews of "Battlefield Baseball" have absolutely no connection to the film whatsoever. It's about a school baseball team that plays a team of zombies. Puns on the names of Major League clubs may be amusing, but they don't relate to the film in any way at all.

benj clews  "...."
Posted - 07/02/2005 : 16:10:27
quote: Originally posted by Downtown
With the exception of a couple that refer to zombies, the vast majority of Cheese's reviews of "Battlefield Baseball" have absolutely no connection to the film whatsoever. It's about a school baseball team that plays a team of zombies. Puns on the names of Major League clubs may be amusing, but they don't relate to the film in any way at all.
I tend to make exceptions in the case of novelty films like this. It's a similar situation with 'Naked Football League' and probably a few others. Anything that connects deadness to baseball feels okay in my book.

Downtown  "Welcome back, Billy Buck"
Posted - 07/02/2005 : 18:58:12
Alright then...I'll remember that as I write some reviews of my own! 

Stalean  "Back...OMG"
Posted - 07/03/2005 : 16:20:14
Downtown's review for Fantastic Four - misspelled Gruffuddd (pronounced GRIFF-ith) here.
Edited by - Stalean on 07/03/2005 16:21:10 |

roger_thornhill  "'scuse me while I disappear..."
Posted - 07/05/2005 : 17:00:44
I noticed this one because it's actually FYC this week. "Spawn of the Dead" for Son of Frankenstein: amusing but inaccurate. The movie is about the son of Dr. Frankenstein, not about the son of the Frankenstein monster.
Edited by - roger_thornhill on 07/05/2005 17:01:31 |
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