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lekolight  "Now Available in CinemaScope"
Posted - 05/24/2005 : 17:37:32
n Mothel
In Judaism, the person who performs circumcisions on young males who�s hand is said to be controlled by the devil.

rri1  "Mistaken for Wayne Knight!"
Posted - 05/24/2005 : 19:16:19
Jym: A gymnasium open only to people named James.

Bavvy  "Can't talk. Watching movie."
Posted - 05/24/2005 : 20:12:06
Wertung (where-toong) - Phenomenon that occurs particularly small-sized local males drive an exceptionally large German luxury car (either Mercedes or BMW). The phrase Wertung originally is the 18th century German word that literally means "over-compensation".
Next word: Banneled
Edited by - Bavvy on 05/24/2005 20:14:07 |

Montgomery  "F**k!"
Posted - 05/25/2005 : 20:27:08
Banneled: When a bill banning something gets sent through the house and senate.
Next word: Culpanderfry
EM :)
Edited by - Montgomery on 05/25/2005 20:27:52 |

Bavvy  "Can't talk. Watching movie."
Posted - 05/25/2005 : 21:17:51
Culpanderfry - Specific kind of serious sunburn in the face. Culpanderfry is typically a phenomenon diagnosed by people in informational-technical occupations, that don't see light of day too often. Most cases are reported to occur on the first sunny day of the spring season, when colleagues go for a drink on a terrace for a bit too long.
Next word: Hullet

Montgomery  "F**k!"
Posted - 05/25/2005 : 22:59:30
Hullet -- A mullet cut on a sailor.
Next word:

lekolight  "Now Available in CinemaScope"
Posted - 05/26/2005 : 00:25:34
Being in the state of confused euphoria at the start of an illicit trist.

rri1  "Mistaken for Wayne Knight!"
Posted - 05/26/2005 : 15:48:04
Blanderance: The ability withstand the torture of an incredibly dull movie, TV show, play, etc.
Example: The MST3K crew had to have extreme blanderance to sit through "The Starfighters" so many times.

turrell  "Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhh "
Posted - 05/26/2005 : 17:41:47
A crazy new MTV show where halfway through making your pschological breakthrough - your therapist opens the door and Ashton Kutcher come in and say's "You're Siegpunked"
Edited by - turrell on 05/26/2005 17:46:12 |

lekolight  "Now Available in CinemaScope"
Posted - 05/26/2005 : 21:14:23
Actually has no literal meaning. Just like "SOS" is the international code for distress "popogigio" is just Morse Code shorthand for "There's a cute little Italian Mouse nipping at my toes."

Wheelz  "FWFR%u2019ing like it%u2019s 1999"
Posted - 05/26/2005 : 21:27:17
The residue left in a glass of milk into which one has been dunking cookies.
Next: bavvy

turrell  "Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhh "
Posted - 05/26/2005 : 22:17:25
A group or assemblage of Barbara Streisand fans. More commonly known as a bevy of babsies and shortened to bavvy after the 1987 film Nuts.
Edited by - turrell on 05/26/2005 22:17:45 |

Bavvy  "Can't talk. Watching movie."
Posted - 05/27/2005 : 18:27:27
Watch it, sucka! 
Actually Bavvy is my first name (Barry), but my friends made it in to Bavvy because in my handwriting the letter r is the same as the letter v. I respond to both. The Pavlov reaction to the word Bavvy has been established by named friends, who used to shout "Bavvy" and hold up a beer at the same time. |
Edited by - Bavvy on 05/27/2005 18:31:34 |

Bavvy  "Can't talk. Watching movie."
Posted - 05/27/2005 : 18:35:52
Yentlicious - Expression used in Canadian (mostly homosexual) scenes, to express the joy of seeing some attractive attributes on someone that could be a potential partner.
"Look at Wheelz' yentlicious rear end!"
Next word: Banone

Wheelz  "FWFR%u2019ing like it%u2019s 1999"
Posted - 05/27/2005 : 20:39:11
quote: Originally posted by Bavvy
"Look at Wheelz' yentlicious rear end!"
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