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Wheelz  "FWFR%u2019ing like it%u2019s 1999"
Posted - 05/27/2005 : 20:59:42
banone (buh-no-nay) n.
A luncheon delicacy, originated in western Latvia, consisting of assorted beef and pork organ meats, spices, and crushed plantains.

turrell  "Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhh "
Posted - 05/27/2005 : 23:43:01
finstruation (fin-stroo-ay-shun) n.
The process by which all female fish in the same school align their periods during the same cycle causing immeasurable grief to all of the male members of the fish school.
Edited by - turrell on 05/27/2005 23:45:57 |

Bavvy  "Can't talk. Watching movie."
Posted - 05/28/2005 : 09:58:22
Jiminygidget - General name for the gathering of all devices used in soft-porn movies, that are said to arouse anyone near said device on the click of a button. Usually the device itself has a specific name of its own (e.g. Sex-o-matic, Luststarter, Horn-i-ator, etc.), but all these devices can be gathered under the gathered name jimenygidget.
Next word: Sturk

duh  "catpurrs"
Posted - 05/28/2005 : 14:55:19
Regional slang for "stark." "Daise Mae waz chasin' Li'l Abner sturk nekkid thru the tobaccy field!"

lekolight  "Now Available in CinemaScope"
Posted - 05/28/2005 : 18:00:40
1) The point on a bablefish that implants in the brain to open a connection for communication, translation, ect.
2) A monitary reward shared with your editor To Improve Punctuation

turrell  "Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhh "
Posted - 05/28/2005 : 19:42:40
Aolavisty (ay-oh-el-lav-is-tee) (n.)
A great miscarriage of justice in which a once amazing institution or technology is dummed down to the point of anonymity so that the mindless masses can bastardize it into something they can understand.
AOL committed an aolavisty when they opened up the internet to its user base in 1995.
Edited by - turrell on 05/28/2005 19:43:36 |

Bavvy  "Can't talk. Watching movie."
Posted - 06/02/2005 : 21:12:35
Theobustavitson - Pushy person that tries to convince people in public places (eg. street, airport) about the existence of a certain god. Usually theobustavistons are easily recognized by either orange clothing, hopelessly old-fashioned fifties suits or other distinct clothing.
Next word: Drooze

Montgomery  "F**k!"
Posted - 06/02/2005 : 22:03:48
Drooze -- noun -- the mixture of drool and booze that a drooling drunk person expells from his/her mouth. i.e. You're getting drooze all over my sofa.
Next word: Brapiterating
EM :)
Edited by - Montgomery on 06/02/2005 22:04:58 |

Stalean  "Back...OMG"
Posted - 06/02/2005 : 22:45:02
Brapiterating (transitive verb) - The repeated smell emanating from a sport's bra band when totally saturated with sweat. Usually, at the point when the exerciser is ready to expire from overheating and exhaustion.

rri1  "Mistaken for Wayne Knight!"
Posted - 06/03/2005 : 03:32:36
Infunculipsis: n. A state of unconciousness caused by having too much enjoyment. Sally suffered infunculipsis during the party.

turrell  "Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhh "
Posted - 06/03/2005 : 15:30:25
adj. Describes an organ which through the course or evolution has become superfluos to human function, but was once used to pass gass by earlier attempts at the species.

rri1  "Mistaken for Wayne Knight!"
Posted - 06/03/2005 : 17:18:02
figschnippens: n. The crushed, ground up parts of figs used in Fig Newtons.

turrell  "Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhh "
Posted - 06/03/2005 : 19:26:40
Mantamaru: n. A class of men deemed worthy enough for marriage. Origin is polynesian. As distinguished from mantafuku which suggests a different class of man.

Wheelz  "FWFR%u2019ing like it%u2019s 1999"
Posted - 06/03/2005 : 21:39:34
Polypenasma A behavioral disorder which causes one to hoard all the writing utensil's in one's house or office, leaving everyone else forever searching.

Koli  "Striving lackadaisically for perfection."
Posted - 06/04/2005 : 11:48:07
Benereft Adj. Benefiting from the loss of a close relative [Orig Olde English, as used in 'The Merry Widow': "The fleabitten dog hath died, and his widow is benereft, with much more gold under her pillow than before."]
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