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Posted - 01/25/2011 :  02:45:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by BiggerBoat

Sorry Benj, it was pretty late when I looked at this last night and made some comments without saying FUCKING WELL DONE MATE. I can't begin to think about all the time you must have put into this. It looks great.

Oops, I also forgot to actually say a massive thanks and well done to benj for working his arse off on this. Apologies for just jumping right in with suggestions. It's only because I love the site so damn much that I want to help you make it as awesome as possible!

Originally posted by demonic

p.s. one point following on from the game theory conversation - I think I mentioned this before - it would be great to have a rosette or similar to signify a currently top voted review for a film. That is a particular game I like to indulge in, and would make it easier to see where it's been achieved and where it's been lost without accessing each individual film page. I think [matt] for one might like that too...

How did you know? I think that would be a great feature, although if it's another rosette it might get confusing...

As another design suggestion, benj, I reckon it would look better if the review speech bubbles didn't have the gradient in them. While it's a nice idea to make them a bit more 3-dimensional, personally I just think it's unnecessary and may actually detract from the readability of the reviews. But if it's something you want to keep, you could simply soften the gradient so it blends smoothly from white to grey? Just my opinion of course.

Edited by - [matt] on 01/25/2011 02:48:46
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"Necrosphenisciform anthropophagist."

Posted - 01/25/2011 :  10:37:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
All I've got to say about the new site is it looks spiffing!
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benj clews 

Posted - 01/25/2011 :  10:45:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Glad the general feeling seems to be that you like the design- that was by far the most difficult part for me (not being trained up in design and all that) and was the reason I didn't finish this about a year ago.

I've already started putting in some changes in response to your feedback...

  • Speech bubbles are non-shiny

  • Top Ten on homepage is now US Box Office (this will eventually automatically change to UK according to your location)

  • Reduced the size of the rank icons to give more room to film names below reviews

  • Switched out New Reviews on the homepage to display This Week's Top Voted Reviews

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Improper Username 
"inappropriately amused"

Posted - 01/25/2011 :  17:53:29  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The new look is really slick, benj!
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"Always entranced by cinema."

Posted - 04/10/2011 :  23:24:59  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
benj - I've just re-visited the new site which I haven't been to for a while, and want to say a HUGE thanks for that changing marquee that cycles through latest films. It really looks terrific!

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"Forever a curious character."

Posted - 04/11/2011 :  01:27:58  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I dont know why I didn't see this thread before, but having seen it now, I have to say that Benj did an incredible job. Can't wait for the new site to be launched!
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benj clews 

Posted - 04/11/2011 :  02:00:12  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by BaftaBabe

benj - I've just re-visited the new site which I haven't been to for a while, and want to say a HUGE thanks for that changing marquee that cycles through latest films. It really looks terrific!

Yeah, I've been a bit quiet on this for a while as I've been considering the initial feedback and rethinking various things as a result. I also spent a few weeks cranking up the page load times and refining other elements to further improve this. Oh, and I'm chuffed with the cycling marquee too, just not so much the rest of the homepage which I'm still refining.

I'll be announcing an official switchover date soon (the old (current) site will remain on another url for those who don't want to switch initially however).
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"Kitty Lover"

Posted - 04/11/2011 :  14:56:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I took a look and I must say, it is a whole lotta work, Benj, thanks. I noticed a few things that aren't so much site specific as it is to my stuff. I need to update some of my accolades, certainly. The accolade area gives some new insights. I don't really know if I still have made the most accolades, but it will give me new work to do. Great job, Benj!!
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"Striving lackadaisically for perfection."

Posted - 10/04/2011 :  21:20:50  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Am I the last person here to discover My winter hibernation must have been roughly three times longer than polite society considers acceptable.

Well I'll be blowed. I shall change my bookmarks immediately.

Slightly belated congratulations, Benj. Triffic.

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benj clews 

Posted - 10/05/2011 :  11:31:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yep, after quite a long gestation period... I've effectively just been sitting on this. There's really not much I can find to do on it now. The only thing that's been holding me back from going live with it is worrying how well it'll be received.

Time to change that.

It's now exactly 3 weeks until fwfr's anniversary and I'm announcing that as the official switchover date. After that, barring any major problems being found in the interrim, I'll be moving the new site across to on the 26th October, 2011. From that point on, if you really need the old site it'll be on until such a time that we don't need it (i.e. acceptable mobile version of site is done and IE6 users have died).

Feel free to play around with the new site and let me know any issues you find at in the meantime...
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"Long mired in film"

Posted - 10/05/2011 :  18:11:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by benj clews

Yep, after quite a long gestation period... I've effectively just been sitting on this. There's really not much I can find to do on it now. The only thing that's been holding me back from going live with it is worrying how well it'll be received.

Time to change that.

It's now exactly 3 weeks until fwfr's anniversary and I'm announcing that as the official switchover date. After that, barring any major problems being found in the interrim, I'll be moving the new site across to on the 26th October, 2011. From that point on, if you really need the old site it'll be on until such a time that we don't need it (i.e. acceptable mobile version of site is done and IE6 users have died).

Feel free to play around with the new site and let me know any issues you find at in the meantime...

Great news. It will be a memorable anniversary.
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"August review site"

Posted - 10/07/2011 :  22:35:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Cool Benj, looking forward to it!
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benj clews 

Posted - 10/25/2011 :  16:18:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Okay, as some may or may not know. Tomorrow is FWFR's birthday (no. 12 I believe) and my plan was to switch over to the new site.

Unfortunately, due to other commitments (2 Hallowe'en parties, friends staying over, plus a film festival) in the days immediately following, I've decided to set the launch date back a week (2nd November). Apologies on this, but I simply don't want to go live with something this sizeable without being available to address any issues that will almost certainly arise.

On the plus side, we'll all be getting FWFR birthday cakes as usual
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"Here four more"

Posted - 10/25/2011 :  16:33:56  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Cant wait
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"X marks the spot"

Posted - 10/25/2011 :  18:07:14  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Birthday cake: yummy!
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